My plans for Detty December.

I have heard people argue about a holiday belonging to one religion but that's not my belief because these holidays are national holidays and everyone deserves to enjoy it to the fullest.

It doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Muslim, holidays are for everyone. Have you ever heard that Muslims shouldn't observe the Christmas holiday or that Christians must go to work during the Salah holiday while the Muslims enjoy their ram alone Like everyone, I have Christmas plans even though I am from a Muslim family. We might not kill chicken but we will definitely celebrate with our Christian family.


Two weeks before Christmas, I have the duty of bridesmaid to perform for a friend and it would be my second this year. I will be happy to honour my friend and grace the occasion. I will arrive at her place on Thursday till everything is over on Saturday.

I have a lot of Christian friends and we are already making plans on how to enjoy the holiday to the fullest. Last year, I was in Lagos with my Aunt when my friend told me to link up with them for a beach outing and I was really excited but didn't enjoy the outing to the fullest because of one silly reason so this year, I will be rocking the beach again with my friends.
Unlike the previous year when we just linked up somehow, there has been proper planning since September and I am not just excited but also looking forward to the day.

Reuniting with my family in Lagos is another goal I have this Christmas. Although, my parents and very few family members live here in Ogun state but majority of them stay in Lagos. Almost all of them are Christian and they are always happy to have me around.
I will get time to hangout and catch up with my cousins which would be really fun. I have to spend nothing less than two weeks because visiting them one after the other will take much time but it's not an issue, family means a lot to me and I don't mind going through stress just to create beautiful memories with them.

As usual, I will visit fun parks and even the cinema just like we did last year. My cousins always know the right place to visit and it would be awesome.

While in Lagos, I will get my phone because my savings for the phone won't be complete until then. I have struggled to use the one with me and can't wait to get my new phone hopefully mid-December.

Having said all that's above, making money is part of my December plans. You might be wondering how but being a baker, I used to have some small job that I do for my friends but it comes before Christmas and who knows, I might even get a job in Lagos. I am not going to Lagos for the job but if it comes up, I wouldn't say no to it.

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