Hive Naija Weekly Prompt | Edition 36: THE BEAUTY OF LIFE IN RELATING WITH OTHERS πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦

Happy new week great people @HiveNaija community and it's yet another awesome time on the @hivenaija weekly prompt where different thoughts are shared and values are been added. I'm @fab-tay and i am excited to be participating in this week's prompt where i will be putting an entry to my social life and how i go about it.

One of the hardcore truth about life is that we as humans needs one another and none can live all alone without needing another at one point or the other. My background has a bit of sociality in it despite been raised in a nuclear setting having a balance of restrictions and freedoms. My sociality begins with awesome relationship with my family members both immediate or extended. Then, it progresses to that of my friends and colleagues right from childhood up till now as i value everytime spent together with these ones. I can say that been social is relative as individuals has what and how they socialise depending on choices and preferences. For example, i remembered playing football, watching football matches, playing T.V. games, going for get-together, picnics, gisting with friends, family members colleagues etc which all helped me in building a strong friendship, establishing meaningful relationships, connecting rightly with the people that matters and so on.

Therefore, i can say that I'm a social person right from childhood till now through various platforms such as friendship, religion (Church ties), academic (schooling), profession (colleagues), sports (fans), music (singers/instrumentalists), social media (chats, messaging, comments, uploads) etc. I was able to keep up with the various relationships established by order of preference as time, situation permits. Despite having a busy schedule as an healthcare professional, there are still moments of socializing as this is need for a rounded life. Let me say that there is no hard and fast rule to socializing, but the idea of establishing good relationship with others knowingfully wel that we need one another is the goal and drive that helps in socializing healthily with others.

In socializing with others, i respect mutualism and privacy so much and not taking people for granted. This is much needed in close relationships/friendship for a smooth flow. Parts of my socializing i vividly remembered was participating/rejoicing with friends/colleagues who are getting married then even as a single. Also, i remembered leading a team for outreaches, rearshing with other musicians, greetings/gisting with my neighbors as necessary etc. I can boldly say that socializing with others has many great advantages if one actually values such. For example, i have enjoyed job recommendations, supports, help from people i socialize with. Somethings are easily done without so much stress just by relating with others and been social. Having a good daily/weekly/monthly structure helps to facilitate a good social relationship and one must be deliberate and international about it. Being social makes for enjoying the beautiful of life as there are values, assets in others we can only enjoy if we are sociable and value such. Thank you everyone for reading and i wish us a great and prosperous week ahead.

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