The Hive is an exciting platform worthwhile to be because of the unlimited privileges or opportunities it presents. It is worthy of note to say that the hive platform helps to bring out the best in an individual and is also rewarding if one can give it the required inputs and efforts. It is through that as a newbie, navigating through Hive might be abit challenging and the more reason of having someone to guide one through as it is easier that way and one of the best guide is that of the Hive goal. Therefore, based on my experience and what i have learnt in my short journey as an Hiver, i will cousel a hive newbie on these three (3) important tips for a better Hive goal for the incoming new year 2024. Please follow carefully as it promises to be worth reading.

The first tip is the power of consistency. To achieve success in anything, there is need for consistency. Consistency involves deliberate/concious plan which is well scheduled towards achieving a set target. As commonly said that practice makes for mastery and perfection, therefore as a newbie, there is need for having a consistent/planned engagement on the Hive platform. Through consistent engagement by posting quality posts, engagement in different communities of interest, participation in contests, engagement in discord chanmels, commenting, likes etc, a newbie explore the more the diverse opportunities on Hive platform and gets better. Therefore, i will counsel a newbie to create time preferably daily, alternate days or weekly and engage the Hive platform. Therefore, consistency is powerful to achieve a set goal for next year or as a goal for next year. For example, i have that daily personal schedule which i have factored in a post/engagement for a day and i prepare for the other day tge previous day which i do consistently.

The second tip is the power of quality & quantity. Quality is in term of content, construction, upload of pictures/videos, creativity, originality, no plagiarism etc. Quantity is in term of meeting the required word count, none repetitive etc. Both are very important because they are key to achieving a set goal as a newbie, therefore, before any post/engagement is done, a newbie ought to have properly figure things out and be coherent enough in expressing such. The use of blurred pictures, offensive words and so on must be avoided. In some Hive communities, there are set guidelines to be followed in order to make for a quality post, such should be observed. Therefore, it takes proper understanding and meticulous inputs to make a good quality post with a good quantity aswell.

The third tip is the power of positive exploration. As a newbie navigating through Hive, it takes an open mind to achieve a good success because even in that niche of interest, it will require to explore more in it with new tools different from the one i'm used too. For example, i have to make use of 3speak (three speak) for my video uploads which i haven't cut across before. Exploration also involved learning and engagement in similar niches or a totally different niche which you just draw attention or discovered you can do well in if given the right attitude and input. Also, part of exploration is making use of access routes to the Hive platform using peakD, eccency and other related platforms. I will counsel a newbie to have someone who can be a guide to him/her aside his/her personal research for a better exploration, accountability and smooth run on Hive platform.

The three tips above are what i have found by experience to guide a newbie to set a better Hive goal for the incoming new year. The Hive platform is a loaded and exciting platform which i encourage newbies to understand and make use of the suggested tips mentioned above. I wish every newbie the very best, thank you for reading.

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