My experience: funny now but heart breaking then

Experience is something that whenever we remember, it's either they make us smile the good ones while some makes us sad the bad ones. But which ever it's all experience because that's what makes us live with memories.

Image is mine

Admist all my siblings, i think am the most stubborn one, I think or I know? I just know because one day my dad told me that am the only female child yet the stubborn one to the extent they nickname me madam "initial gra gra" but that was then oh cause am no longer that stubborn child but a sweet loving girl.

My mum on the other hand before she let you do anything in the house then, she would make sure to scrutinize you in and out to be sure whatever task she gives, you can do it. It got to the point I had to beg her to allow me do laundry and cooking even my school sucks at the age of ten I was not allowed to wash it except the dirty dishes. So on this particular day, my mom was in a haste to go out and could not cook before leaving since there was left over stew she instructed I just prepare white rice for lunch and when she return she would make dinner. I was so happy about my first time to cook. Cooking white rice is just as easy as boiling water for tea so it wasn't going to be difficult so I thought oh. Honestly, it wasn't difficult oh but my gra gra spoilt everything. Instead of me to cook half measure of rice, I went ahead to cook one whole measure and added jara self.😊 That was not the problem self, you needed to see the potty I cooked oh 🤣 fear did not allow me because if my mum comes back to see what I cooked I know she would skin me alive so I pleaded with my siblings not to tell mum when she comes and thank goodness they covered me but how? We know our compound children never neglects food when they see one so we called them into the house and throw a mini party serving them the delicacy I made with little stew. After that I washed the plates cleaned the house and pretended nothing happened sharp girl like me😂
But now it's not the same and I wish nobody troubles me with house chores but it's impossible because I must do it. 😔


Fast forward to when I was about to go on my first trip alone to my home town 2016, My mum said I won't be able to stay alone and insisted I go with my little brother. Both of us where happy going but after spending just two weeks we bacame movie stars with our drama. 🤣 My brother and I missed home so much and when my aunt went to the market myself and my brother sat on the floor and was crying profusely that one of our closest neighbor heard our voice and came to inquire about the cry but who cares. When she left, we both took turn promising when we go back home, we would never trouble our parent again but after the holiday was over and we went back home we forgot all the promises made and went about our normal lifestyle but it's not our fault because our emotions played games with us. 🤣

Writing was initiated by #hivenaija weekly prompt week 47, write about your first experience with something significant.

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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