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Multitasking is something many of us do. Especially in my country, Nigeria, it would be hard for someone who is just coming up to focus on doing just one thing and not multitask. Because of the situation in the country. I personally believe in multitasking.

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Because to live a good life in my country in most cases, you need to learn how to multitask. Because life itself is already expensive, and there's literally no way one could survive by one job at this current point in time.

Looking at the situation of the country alone would give you a whole lot of reasons to multitask on a daily basis. Even though it can be way stressful most times, you literally just have to do it to be able to earn a good living. I'm literally not speaking for some people who already have well established work that funds them well.

Those kinds of people have got no reason to want to multitask if you ask me. But then, if they wish too, they can also. But left to me, if I've got a well paying job that pays exceptionally well, I literally don't think I will want to multitask.


It Will Definitely Have A Way Of Affecting My Productivity: Concentrating on one task at a time, if you ask me, is literally going to help me be able to give my all to it and also my very best. Delivering higher quality jobs on a steady basis, and also, I will get to improve well and be more productive in my field compared to when I multitask.

Because I'm this kind of person that loves to give top-notch results to anything I find myself doing. So I believe that when I switch between tasks, it will definitely take time for me to be able to refocus, which can slow me down.

Stressful: Multitasking can be so stressful if you ask me. Because, as they say, you cannot serve two masters at the same things. So if you're choosing to serve both of them at once, you literally have to go extra lengths to meet up with their demands.

Which, if you ask me, it has got a whole lot of stress attached to it compared to when you focus on one task. It will be easier to manage your workload and also helps you reduce the pressure of serving to masters at the same time.

Having More Time To Invest In Yourself : When you focus on a single task, it becomes easier for you to want to improve in the field. Because you wouldn't want to keep repeating the same pattern of things you do.

Improve Creativity : You will definitely crave to be a creative person that wants to learn and improve in their work field when you focus on one work. Which, if you ask me, can essentially help build an effective learning and creative individual. Being fully engaged in one task allows your mind to explore more ideas.

But then, on the other hand, multitasking can help one earn more, and of course everyone of us literally wants to earn more money. I mean, who doesn't like money? No one. But then, people literally just find it hard to be consistent with multitasking and make it look all painted black in the sight of many, which shouldn't be so.

We are all different individuals. Before you do something, you should always learn to study what works for you better and never make a mistake of doing what everyone is doing. Never follow the crowd. Rather, learn how to be unique and also be an exceptional person in your way every day of your life.

Be a better version of yourself by always trying to go for what's best for you and also discovering you. We are all different, and everyone has their own field of specialization. So discover what works for you, grind in it, and also learn to invest your all into it always to give a better result at the end of the day.

Thank you for taking the time to go through my content, and I hope it was worth it, and I also hope you've learned lots of lessons from the community's weekly prompt. This post is in response to the #Hivenaija weekly contest, edition 60.

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