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Rice and beans Combo!

When you are talking about food, I’m a lover. Many people consider food as necessary,because it is essential for survival and body nourishment. Remove these factors from food, and some people will prefer not to eat again. The reasons are not far fetched; the stress, the money involved and many other factors.

But for me o, remove all factors, and you will be surprised to see me still running after food!(funny right?)

Don’t blame me, it’s just because I love food. Sometimes, i hear someone saying, “I forgot to eat”.(seriously! You’ve got to be kidding me! You forgot to do what?)
As for me, i need to think about my life, so, even when I’m not hungry, I eat. It is not like it even adds pounds of flesh to me , because i am not naturally fat. I hope you understand what it means, when people say you eat a lot, but you are not fat. It is not like I’m very skinny, it is just that people expect more from me!

Don’t get the wrong idea! I am not a glutton. I am just a lover of good food. I don’t like to get filled at a goal, I prefer to eat at intervals.

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If I am to choose a type of food to live on forever, out of the varieties of food we have in this country, looking into all tribes and cultures, choosing from different delicacies that i have tasted, local and international, it will be a hard thing to do.

Hmmm… I will go for rice and bean, not only because it is my favorite, but it’s because of the nutritional constituents.

Beans is more of carbohydrates than protein (you can search it out! I was as surprised as you are right now when i found out.)
Many of us believe that beans is majorly protein. Our teachers have lied to us! I don’t blame them though, because that’s the knowledge they had about it.

Rice, also, contains a bit of protein. So you see that rice and beans complement each other.

Rice and Beans can be prepared in different forms. By virtue of your decision, you can prepare each separately and serve them together with assorted stew.
You can prepare both grains together and then add your stew afterwards.
You can also cook everything together with the needed ingredients, then add your fish, egg, or meat afterwards.
You can prepare your rice and transform your beans into moi moi(baked beans pudding).

I could go on and on. Alright, it is still going deliciously!

I can’t get tired of eating rice and beans everyday until thy kingdom comes 😁

There are different varieties of rice. We have brown rice, ofada rice, basmati rice, white rice and so on. Likewise, Black eye peas, Kidney beans, Navy beans, Fayot beans and so on, are varieties of beans you can find and enjoy.

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The both varieties of rice and beans can be prepared together, I guess. I cannot affirm that yet, because, according to me, I have not widened my horizons on the concept and theory of rice and beans. Most certainly, if the opportunity of choosing only one food for life comes up I will gladly go with that delicious combo!
I hope you add rice and beans to your important food list too, like me!

Thanks for visiting my blog 😊

Grateful Heart ❤️