Weather and my health.

Life is in seasons and there is time for everything. A time to sow and a time to reap.
Every season has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Without both seasons, I doubt if we will have food to eat.
When the weather is hot, it may cause a lot of illnesses as a result of dehydration, also, when the weather is hot crops may find it difficult to flourish and produce well because the effect of the sun without rain may be harmful to their growth.

While I was preparing to take my kids to school and go to work yesterday morning,it started raining at about six fifty and we couldn't go out until eight thirty 🕦 I was late for work as my kids as well were late for school. The most annoying part of it is that immediately we got out, it started raining again and we got drenched even with the umbrella ☔

If I could choose a season that I would want to remain forever, between the rainy and dry season, it would be the dry season. This is the story behind my choosing the dry season.

While my mom was pregnant with me thirty something years ago, she fell sick and was admitted to the hospital. The pregnancy was seven months and there weeks old then, she went into labour maybe as a result of the treatment she was undergoing and she gave birth to a beautiful premature baby girl which is me.

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There was no incubator to put the baby then but I survived through it all and as a result,since then,I usually have rheumatism any time the weather ☁️ is cold. The pains I experience is usually intense that I dread the rainy seasons so much.
The intense pains I go through are still vivid in my mind even when I was still younger. The month I always wish could be skipped is the month of August.

I remembered one August in the year 2010, it started like stress, we went to class that afternoon. We were midway into the lecture when it started raining⛈️ it didn't stop raining for hours. I wore a skirt and top, I was freezing 🥶
We managed to get home safely and as usual, I used balm on my legs and hand just to cause warmth in my system and I slept.

Photo of a sick me

The next morning wasn't funny at all. I had pains in my joints. It was so painful that it felt as though someone was breaking my bones with hammer. I couldn't get up from bed. I was just crying. Thank God for my friend that day, she was so scared that she called my mum when she didn't know what else to do.
My mum instructed her to just make sure I get in the next bus to Benin before evening that she would be waiting for me in the bus station.

That was how I got in the bus. As much as I try to manage my pains, people in the bus knew something was wrong with me.

Immediately we reached Benin, mum was waiting for me they took me home. She tried all the home remedies but it wasn't working, they had to rush me to the emergency that night. For the first time, I saw my dad Cry😭
I still survived that, all glory to God.

August last year, I had the same experience. It was terrible. My husband was scared. I had to cut my hair then. Some pain killers don't even have effect on me anymore. At times, Shorts 💉 of pent won't even have any effect.

This year, I was extra careful, wearing clothes that covers me well, I don't bother to open the windows in my room, no fan, no AC.


Photo of me

This is the reason I would always choose the dry season over the rainy seasons.

This is my response to Hive Naija weekly prompt.
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate you.💕

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