Urban garden update, green onions, basil, green beans and snap peas!

About two months ago I made a post for the quarantine challenge and in that post I talked about creating a small urban garden!

Remember these?

Probably my biggest success so far, super easy to grow and I have been harvesting as they get tall for salads and they just keep going! I kind of wish I had started more, I love green onions in everything.

My basil that I rooted for store bought (and already cut!) basil is going super well also!

I have been pruning it and adding basil to everything!

I had started sprouting some snap peas, tomatoes, green beans and spianch last month in these egg cartons:

DO NOT DO THIS! Although almost everything survived and transplanted well the roots had grown into and through the cartons so it was a pain and I was afraid I broke the roots! The green beans and snap peas have been transplanted and seem very happy:

The tomatoes are also sprouting well but have not been transplanted fully but I did move them to a plastic tray so I don't have that root issue again:

The spinach was one of the first things to sprout but theres only one remaining, the rest have died off. Not sure if maybe they got too much sun so I am starting another batch on the back balcony where it's more shady!

So far I'm pretty excited with what I've been able to grow in a small space!

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