Solo’s weekly picks: Photography

This week I found some photography posts that I liked and selected them for curation. These posts are by Hive minnows and plankton, and posting to the photography tag.

Here are five posts by Hive plankton and minnows showing off their photo content.

[ENG]|[ESP] Classic cars for cars lovers! By @malos10


Visiting a car show they get some great pictures of classic cars.. Much detail is put into keeping these cars as clean and pristine as possible. So some great shots were captured of the car show.

LIFE at the Foot of the Mountain. By @callmesmile


At the base of the mountain there is lots to see, the rolling hills and many plants growing all around. Everything looks so green and happy there.

Trekking to Bijli Mahadev: A Mesmerizing Journey from Bottom to Top by @abhaymehta


Walking up in the ridges of the mountains offers great sights.. The clouds and fog along the mountain is pretty amazing to see.

Magpie Lounging in the Sun by @mmckinneyphoto13


Some great pictures were captured of a bird just lounging for a bit.. Its not something you see often but great they were at the right place at the right time to capture such a moment in a photo.

Finally back to normal temperatures by @stresskiller


Walking through their garden they get some great macro shots of the plants and insects that visit them.

Thats my five picks for this week, come back next week to see
Solo's next weekly picks. I curate posts every Tuesday and do this through MSP. Thanks so much to the Minnow Support Group for giving me the opportunity to serve as a curator!

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