Minnowsupport: Weekly Picks for Saturday 12/16/2023

Every Friday and Saturday, I get to pick from articles submitted to us by minnows for consideration in answering the Ladies of Hive weekly prompt by the moderators.

It is such a privilege to curate for #MSP-Curation as a part of the @Minnowsupport initiative. "Peace, Abundance, Liberty" is the motto of PAL, which supports all Hive users, but notably the minnows.

And what a wonderful opportunity it is for me to pick five articles from Ladies of Hive, which is my main focus!

The ladies were asked to share their holiday and Christmas plans this year, and a magical wish!


My plans for this Christmas/holiday is simple and dear to my heart: To be with my family
My priority in this small holiday is to be with my family. My husband and I has decided to travel home to see our families and friends. For this purpose, every activities is hereby put on hold till next year. Spending quality time with my family and loved ones. We will play games, have enough gist, watching movies(a lots of movies has been set aside for that purpose), taking a walk together in the neighborhood and creating long term memories with other. With my children, time to bond very well before school resumes is now



First of all, I want you to know that December is my favorite month of the year, because it is my birthday, so usually in addition to the Christmas celebrations there is the celebration for one more year of life.
This year my Christmas plans are different from others, because I am a mom. That makes me include my baby in everything I plan to do.
My first Christmas plan was the ornaments for the little tree πŸŽ„, it's the first time I decorate one, so it was from scratch, currently that is in the process of finishing, I still don't have the star ⭐.
Visit my family: I would like to spend these dates with my maternal family, share with them these special days, that includes making hallacas, a typical Christmas dish in Venezuela, which besides being very tasty is more fun and bearable when done with family, because it has enough work.
Celebrate my birthday: I was born on December 24, so in addition to the gifts for that date, there is my birthday, I would like this year to make the cake with an aunt, and sing birthdays as a family.



From the beginning, I wanted my son to feel the presence of love, affection, accompaniment and above all protection. That every vacation we can be all together as a family. But unfortunately before we used to be big families, my son did not have the opportunity to meet the great-grandmother, great-uncle, aunt-in-law. Because they went to another plane only my mom, dad, brother, cousin and my husband are left. We are now a small family but when we are together, it feels like we are much more people, because we cry, dance, laugh all night long. Not to mention, inviting friends who were going to celebrate Christmas alone.
Also on this vacation, I want to visit my friends. Because each one of us has priority and personal problem, that without wanting to forget some time for us. And for them I want to visit to complete the headache, because my loneliness is affecting me a little bit. Even though my son and husband are by my side. I really miss them a lot.
Definitely this is what I want because after January arrives, it is possible to go to the beach to cleanse the soul. And the rest that guide me what activity I could do in the month of December. The more spontaneous and unplanned, the better.



This Christmas season, to continue with the traditions and celebrate the holiday, even now I don't have a real idea of ​​what we are going to do but what I do know is that my Christmas plans are different . to other Christmas plans from previous years because now I am a mother and there is no doubt that I must involve my son in whatever we want to do because there are no longer three of us, we are four that make up my small and beautiful big family and talking about other small details while I am waiting for the financial resources to buy the various foods for the meals we prepare as a family. My first Christmas plan was to decorate a Christmas tree and this is the second time I have decorated a tree so I started from scratch and now I am finishing it, well if we can say finishing with the help of my little daughter and my kitten, it goes without saying that instead of adding life to the little tree, they subtract the only thing I want and I hope that it at least has life until the 24th so that as a family we can open the gifts with the aim of have a fun time, where we talk, laugh, have fun and most importantly share those little things that only Christmas brings with it such as the typical food that consists of our delicious hallaca, chicken salad, ham bread, pernil and soft drinks.
Finally I am also thinking of moving to my home state because I want to spend the last days of the year with the family on my mother's side and share with them these special days and have the opportunity for my daughter to meet for the first time her great-grandfather that as I have told you he has been that fundamental pillar in my life and I would love that God gives her life and health to see her grow as he saw me and she also like me have the joy of hearing those great tips that only they could give me and I say they because I always remember my beloved grandmother who I know that from heaven sees us and always accompanies us.



My wish would be to be with my family on these very special dates. Not only to celebrate Christmas Eve and the New Year, but also to share significant moments, as during this holiday period we celebrate the birthdays of people very important to me, such as my mom, my goddaughter and my aunt. Besides, I long to spend time with my friends, enjoying good times together.
Currently, I'm in a city where I haven't made many friends, so it's just my boyfriend, my cats and me. Sometimes I feel nostalgic for being away from all my loved ones, but I understand that my present moment is to be in this city. I am confident that life will give me many more opportunities to share special moments with my family and friends in the future.

Each of these articles have been upvoted by @minnowsupport.
Thank you @minnowsupport for this tremendous initiative and for your support!


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