Minnowsupport: Weekly Picks for Saturday, 03/16/2024

It is a privilege to curate for #MSP-Curation every Saturday as a part of the @Minnowsupport initiative. "Peace, Abundance, Liberty" is the motto of PAL, which supports all Hive users, but notably the minnows.

And what a wonderful opportunity to pick five articles from Ladies of Hive, which is my main focus!

Each of these articles has been upvoted by @minnowsupport.
Thank you, @minnowsupport for this tremendous initiative and for your support!


Link to the article: @yagelybr/esp-eng-loh-176-lets-talk-about-feminine-essence-and-outdoors-vs-indoors

Our society is full of expectations and predefined roles for each gender, for example, the man is the economic provider of a household and the woman is in charge of the housework, however, the world lives in constant change and today we no longer live with so many predefined labels, but it is not about them that we are going to talk but to focus on the feminine essence that makes us celebrate what we are, a great woman.
Two of the characteristics that I like about being a woman is being a multitasker since we could be doing several things at the same time and have the ability to adapt to changes, it may cost us at the beginning but once we get organized and get the rhythm we adapt.


Link to the article: @doriscova8/loh-contest-176-orgullosa-de-ser-mujer-y-mis-actividadesproud-of-being-a-woman-and-my-activitiesesp-eng-saegye

I currently have a lot of free time, since I am a retired person from the university teaching area, activity that I exercised for more than 30 years and which gave me many satisfactions in my work field and that kept me quite busy because it was not only teaching but also my continuous training which meant taking courses, masters, doctorates and postdoctorates, because that is definitely the life of the university teacher to keep updated and trained for the new times.
Therefore, when I was active in my work and during vacation time when I had more free time, I always liked to travel to visit my family who lived in another state, in order to share beautiful family moments and for my children to share with their grandmother.
Nowadays I still like outdoor activities, but as long as I am accompanied by my children or a family group, because now I am more conservative and I choose more indoor activities such as reading a book, watching a movie, or in any case I like to do the activities that I have always liked such as knitting and sewing.


Link to the article: @debby-cwm/loh176-my-gender-my-pride

When it comes to Women, I am a great fan. Men around me refer to me as a feminist. Why? That’s because from the East to the West, I will always defend my gender.
If a man hit a lady or talks to her anyhow around me. Whether it concerns me or not, I will interfere. You will think it’s my issue if you didn’t witness the whole of the issue.
This character of mine, I believe it’s innate because, as far as I can remember, I have been like this. I don’t like to see a lady being maltreated or abused, every organ in me fights against it.
I love my gender and don’t like it when unnecessary flies comes on them. This philosophy has become a big part of me.
It’s a huge turn-off for me when I see a lady who looks down on herself or doesn’t respect who she is.
Whenever I have the privilege to address my gender. I want to fight the voices that say to them that they are less privileged because they are Female's.
I have 100% pride in me, knowing I am a girl child.
Of Course I'm proud to be a Female!
As a Woman, I am Beautiful: My Shape or Size doesn’t matter, I am Strong, Agile, Dynamic, I am an Influencer, A Teacher, a Home Builder, A Home Keeper, A Helper and Helpmate, A Life Bearer and so much more.
I walk with pride knowing fully well that I'm a Woman!


Link to the article: @teacherlynlyn/loh-176-an-alpha-woman-is-unstoppable

Gender stereotypes and cultural expectations often impede women and girls from realizing their full potential worldwide. Girls and women are denied the right to an education, pressured to marry young, excluded from decision-making processes, and denied access to opportunities for earning a living in many developing nations.
However, in today's world, women often have to prove to themselves that they can work independently and assert their abilities.
I was thrown into many situations by the world at a very young age, which helped me become a strong woman who battled on my own on life's battlefield.
I'm just trying to live my life with faith and perseverance, hoping that life will work out well for me one day.
I learn to live like an Alpha Woman.
Although talking about alpha males and how to be one is more common, being an alpha female has just as much significance. An alpha woman is a leader in the workplace, at home, or among friends and peers. You can develop your leadership and alpha status in every aspect of your life, even if you are a born leader.
I am a true Alpha Woman...
Right now, encouraging and uplifting women and girls is my mission. I want women to live whole, happy, balanced lives, be driven and ambitious, and have goals—and I want other women to support them in doing so.
This is only possible if women cease being so mean to one another and start encouraging and developing one another.


Link to the article: @janitzearratia/i-am-a-bold-woman

Historically, it is proven that we resist and cope better with adversity compared to men, of course, this strength is not scientifically proven.
I think this is one of the reasons why we do not collapse so easily and in the midst of adversity we take out skills that we did not know we had and if we do it together, it would be impossible to fail.
For me as a woman, the passion of my own life is fundamental, because it is the form, it is the background and the motive when I dream or when a goal gets into my soul, and the germ arises to make it possible and real, which motivates me in an unexpected way to keep going even in the face of adversity.
I start my day with the best attitude. With the certainty that everything will turn out well for me. That social networks, emails or WhatsApp are not the first thing I look at in my hands, when I wake up.
Let it be gratitude, positive words, a good meditation or a prayer that welcomes me to the new day.
I usually always wake up a few minutes before my usual time to dedicate them to myself, to my peace, well-being and self-care, and then start my day with the best energy and optimism.
When women come together in many voices and with a purpose, wonderful things come out like this community of Ladies of the hive. If we can't change the world, let's change our own, this also motivates me every day.


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