CuratorCat.PAL: June 22nd, 2021 — Napping My Way Through Crypto Turbulence!

Earlier this morning, Bitcoin actually fell through $30,000 for the first time in 2021 before making a hard bounce back to where it is now, at slightly above $33,000.

It must be very unnerving for the compulsive chart watchers!

My personal approach to the whole circus is to take a good nap!

Nap time!

Am I just being callous and ignorant here? Or am I just not allowing the "FUD, FUD, FUD, FUUUUUDDD!" messages to invade my brain.

When things like this happen, I like to invite people to take a look at at a ten year/maximum chart of Bitcoin.

Funny how all the sharp spiky ups and down more or less become invisible... and instead are replaced by a steady uptrend! And yes, I know we are down 50% from this year's highs, but still.

I haven't even been "in the game" for that long, and I remember $700 Bitcoin. Let's keep in mind that the underlying concept behind cryptos remains valid, regardless of short term market fluctuations!

And now I'm going to excuse myself and return to my nap...


CuratorCat 22-JUN-2021
Current stake: 3,714.179 PAL

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