Equal Opportunity Strategy


A series in which ueyuey, a TOP Silver League player, writes about strategies specifically for the Silver League.
No 12" Equal Opportunity Strategy."

No12「Equal Opportunityの攻略」


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This article is about the Equal Opportunity


(1) Use monsters with Taunt ability.
(2) Don't use sneak and snipe monsters.
(3) Place low-strength monsters in the back.

(1)Use monsters with Taunt ability.


Whenever I see a rule for Equal Opportunity, my first priority is to see if it is possible to include monsters with Taunt ability.
I think that the first priority is to find a monster with provocation, because in Opportunity, the monsters attack in order of their low HP, so the monsters with low HP and strong attack power are quickly defeated. To prevent this, it is essential to concentrate attacks on provocative monsters, except in battles with low mana.
Of course, a strategy of daring not to place monsters with provocation is also good if you are doing it intentionally, but please be aware of it if you do not usually include provocative monsters when this rule is used.

・私はEqual Opportunityのルールがでてきたら、まず初めにTauntアビリティを持つモンスターをいれることができないかを最優先で考えます。

(2) Don't use sneak and snipe monsters


As I wrote in the "priority of abilities" article, the priority of attacking means is Sneak>snipe>opportunity.
Therefore, if you include a sneak or snipe monster in an Equal Opportunity rule, the sneak or snipe monster will have priority, and the attack will be dispersed.
Of course, there is a strategy to intentionally include sneak and snipe monsters, but I would recommend not to include either of them.

・priority of abilitiesの記事でも書きましたが、優先される順位としては、
Sneak>snipe> opportunity となります。
・そのため、Equal Opportunityのルールの時にsneak、snipeのモンスターをいれるとそちらが優先されてしまい、攻撃が分散してしまいます。

priority of abilities. @ueyuey/priority-of-abilities

(3) Place low-strength monsters in the back



In situations where it is difficult to include the Taunt ability, it is recommended to line up the monster with the lowest health from the back. The reason is that when a friendly monster is killed by a monster with trample, such as a diemonshark, the trample will not be triggered if the monster is the last one in line.Trample is an ability that attacks the monster placed next to the defeated monster, so even if you defeat the rearmost monster, it will not trigger because there is no next one.
If the monsters have the same physical strength, the opportunity will attack the monster placed in front of it.
Therefore, be sure to be aware of this when lining up monsters of the same physical strength.



No10 Target Practice Strategy, No11 Super Sneak Strategy, No12 Equal Opportunity Strategy  
What you need to keep in mind for these three strategies is the priority order of abilities.
If you can fight with these in mind, your battle results will surely improve.
Also, although I wrote about the basic strategies in this article, there are many different strategies for Equal Opportunity, and I plan to write new articles about it in the future. See you soon.

No10 Target Practice Strategy、No11 Super Sneak Strategy、No12 Equal Opportunity Strategy  
また、今回はまずは基本の戦略を書きましたが、Equal Opportunityに関しては様々な戦略が存在しますので、今後も新しい記事を書いていく予定です。では。

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