Curation Tips

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Probably the most asked question by newbies - how can my post get curated for support? Sadly, there is no magic answer to this. It takes time to hone your writing skills, to create content that adds value, to improve the quality to make it on par if not above everyone'e else, and to engage and build your network of support. There is no quick way to achieve this in a sustainable way. However, you can pick up some tips written by experienced curators on Hive. It will definitely give you a head start.

This post from @crosheille includes inputs from many curators on Hive who talks about their own criteria when selecting posts for curation

@minismallholding talks about what curators look for when curating and explain why sometimes good posts don't get curated

Here's a few suggestions from @livinguktaiwan on some things you can do to make your post more curatable

Curators are human as well, and there's nothing more annoying than seeing simple things from authors that could have easily avoided in order to get curated. Let see what @riverlows says

Here's a great post from @galenkp that hits the mark on every point on how one can improve their post

If you come across any post that will be a useful addition to @newbies-guide, you are welcome to suggest them to us on our Discord channel They can either be written by yourself or somebody else. You won't get any rewards for your suggestion but the post author will get rewards if we include them in the Collections. Plus you will be helping out newbies on Hive, and that's what matters!!!

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