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Please join me in supporting Ukraine with a virtual tour around the country

This is a collection of travel posts in Ukraine from various Hivers, some who have managed to flee to safety, whilst others insist on staying behind to defend their country. Whilst I have never been to Ukraine, I have read many posts in the past when curating for Pinmapple. I wanted to share a selection with everyone so when you see Ukraine as it is today, you will know the damage it has caused to people's life, normal people just like you and I. Normally when I produce a collection using other people's post I will set all the authors as beneficiary. In this case I won't. I will set @scrodinger and @zirochka as 50/50 beneficiary, the funds to be used to support Ukraine as they see fit. I hope you will join me to support Ukriane and enjoy your virtual tour around the country.

The white cliffs of the Dvorichensky National Park is located on the east side of Ukraine less than 20km from the Russian border, so close that according to the BBC it is controlled by the Russians now. The author of this post, @blind-spot is from UAE and has been living in Ukraine for many years. He fled to Poland when the war broke out and currently is trying to sort out all the paperwork so he can stay in Poland, not the easiest thing to do when he is getting limited support from his own embassy.

@lilideleopolis is a regular on Pinmapple often taking us to see the many beautiful places in Ukraine. In this post, she is at the ancient city of Chernihiv in the north of Ukraine. Fortunately the Russians hasn't managed to control this area yet, but it seems they are on the outskirts. I hope they won't be able to make any further advances.

As we all know, Donetsk is one of two Russian backed separatist areas that Putin used as an excuse to start this war. From @gmenka's post we are told that the Donestsk park has the largest rose garden in Ukraine, it all looked so peaceful and calm back in 2018.

Chernobyl, the site of one of the worse nuclear disaster was taken over by Russia very early on in the war. During peace time, many visited the exclusion zone to see for themselves the aftermath of the 1986 disaster. This is a great post from @thijsvermeer about his experience.

Sumy is located in the north eastern region of Ukraine just 35km from the border. It was invaded by the Russians very early on and fighting between the two countries is still continuing. @erikaflynn took us on a walk around back in 2019. I can imagine the two worlds couldn't be more different now.

@priyanarc, a Bangaldeshi has been living in Kharkiv in the east of Ukraine for many years. She had to flee when the war broke out and is now safe in Poland. Last year she had to sort out some paperwork for her Ukrainian residency and that took her to a little village towards the Russian border. Another gem from Ukraine that probably is changed beyond recognition today.

Lviv is the largest city in western Ukraine and the hometown of @olga.maslievich. She wrote this post 5 months ago on her last night in Lviv before moving to live further out of the city. You can feel her sentiment of having to leave the city, and no doubt now she has had to leave the country, must be so heart breaking for her.

Last year was Ukraine's 30th Independance day and @nadin-zakrevska took her son on a trip to the capital Kyiv. For those who's never been to Kyiv, myself include, they city looks so beautiful, with lots of history and architecture. I hope I can make it there one day and the glory will still be there. @nadin-zakrevska is now safely in Poland with her son.

Odessa is a port city in the south of Ukraine and holds strategic significance. Odessa Passage is one of the most famous landmark in the city and it will be devastnig if that is destroyed. @scrodinger lives in Odessa, and is still there. In her latest post she said "Arrivals" to the region and near Odessa began. Please follow her blog where she shares the latest chronicle and is curating Ukrainian posts.

Last and not the least, I must include a post from @zirochka who is still in Kyiv. Those are the days when she could roam freely around Kyiv with her little friend Sonia and show us the knick knacks of the city. Hopefully these happy days will return very soon.
