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Ranking Final Fantasy IV Characters (Collection of Posts)

This is a collection of my Final Fantasy IV posts, in which I ranked FFIV characters, I wrote for each character its own microblog post during the first half of March 2022.

Edward, the internet meme! But honestly, a prince character who feels like an actual prince.

Cid, the mechanic. The third character in Final Fantasy's Cid/Airship tradition.

Palom and Porom, the twins. They're very powerful considering their age.

Tellah, the wise old man with a short temper. His story is so tragic!

Edge, the Ninja. Did I mention how fitting the name Edge is for him?

Yang, the monk. For a generic character, he had a lot to offer to this game.

Rosa, the heroine. The mother of the group.

Golbez, the conquerer of the wordl. One of the best villains in early RPGs.

My 3rd favorite FFIV character: Kain, the one who overcomes his darkness.

My 2nd favorite FFIV character: Cecil, the Hero of two worlds.

My favorite FFIV character: Rydia, the Heart of the team.