I can't remember a shit about it but it must have been a beautiful day.


A pine cone was lying on the sand. Some trees grow very close to the beach here in the bay of my hometown. That's great for tourists and locals in summer. Pine trees provide plenty of solid, refreshing shade and their resin gives a bit of a beautifully refreshing scent spread by the summer breeze.


Up in the sky, high above my head, the cormorants were flying from somewhere to somewhere else. The cormorants can swim, can dive, can fly ... is there anything these damn birds can't do? They are like Superman - a bit overpowered if you ask me.


Where once was a construction site, now is a building. All these photographs were taken in 2013. Time passes, that's for sure, sometimes it crawls ... sometimes it flies.

According to this photograph, camping wasn't allowed in the proximity of that construction site near the sea.

This is the Saint Agnes, the biggest church in town. This portrait of a building was taken at the end of a beautiful day.

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