RE: Is Christmas a pagan celebration? (Part 2)

Sphinx is ancient Egypt. It's interesting to find pyramids all around the world dating back thousands of years as seen with Steve Quayle.

Are you saying the sun is not a ball of fire or gas? You don't think the sun is getting smaller? If it's not getting smaller, then is it getting bigger or is staying the same size like a magical light in the sky?

When the shepherds and wise men saw the star in the sky, was it stars, galaxies, planets, moons, aliens, spaceships, or what was it? When the ancient world would look up into the sky and see a planet, would they say, "There is a planet I see in the sky" or would they, "I see a star." To the untrained eye, planets can be refer to as stars in the same way birds and reptiles and cows and cats can all be refer to as animals. In other words, you can give words a specific or generic definition.

If a star appeared the day Jesus was born, then all we have to figure out is what that star was. If that star was planetary alignment, and if it showed up the same day Christ was born, then that would be the exact day and year Christ was born to the extent we are able to count backwards through the different calendars. If the Bible does not say if it was just a star or what, then we may not be able to use the Bible to verify and confirm speculation that we have that the star was a cluster of planets buried in the sky. But at the same time, the Bible doesn't say that star cannot be other planets. By the way, the book of Genesis doesn't even mention the other planets in our solar system but instead mentions stars.

Did you know there is a new TV show called The Da Vinci Code? Not movies but a series.

Did you say 73 books? Yeah, the Christian version has 66 books. I don't call Catholicism as Christian because they teach the doctrine of works salvation. Christianity teaches Ephesians 2:8-9 and Catholicism teaches works. All religions and cults teaches that you have to work. You have to be good enough. Even The Salvation Army teaches that you have to work. Mormons teach that you have to work hard enough to be saved. All religions agree with each other. Christianity teaches a different kind of salvation that is by grace and through faith. Other religions oppose that exact formula for salvation.

Islam teaches Jihadism. Like other religions apart from Christianity, Islam teaches you must do certain things to be saved. Christianity teaches a different way to get to Heaven. All the other religions are the same in that they believe each person must deserve and earn their way towards being with God. Religions teach you have to do this and you have to do that to be saved. Christianity does not teach that. Other religions do teach that.

Are you against Luther? Luther said many things. It's a long story. For more information, read the fifth chapter of Romans. Also, the sixth chapter as well.

James is a great book to study. Be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Faith without works is dead meaning if you get saved, then you will do good works. You don't work to be saved but instead work because you are saved. Which came first, the chicken or the egg, the works or the salvation? God promises to help people work. God talks about that in Philippians. If you truly are saved, then you will work. If you got faith, then you will have works. You don't do the work to then get the faith. Sinners are not sinners because they sin. They sin because they are sinners. You are born a cat. When saved, you become a dog. You don't bark and try to become a dog. You asked Christ to transform you into a new creature, to save you. Your old nature dies. You become new. You become different.

The Bible is older than Catholicism. The Bible starts off with the Old Testament. Later on, we got the books of the New Testament.

Christianity as a church starts in the book of Acts. Apostle Paul wrote around 13 books, as seen in the New Testament, and these books or letters were sent to churches in different cities around Europe and Asia and the Middle East. Well, mostly Europe between Italy and Israel. Christianity was growing like fire 40 days after Christ went into Heaven.

The Bible says you can come boldly to throne of grace. No need to pray to other people. Pray directly to God. That was the purpose of Christ. The Bible talks a lot about this. Pagans pray to other things. That is why Catholicism is Paganism. Christmas promotes Paganism in that it teaches the worship of Santa and other things. So, Christmas is Pagan in that sense. I pray directly to Jesus, to God. And Jesus is God. God is a Trinity. God is Three in One.

Jesus is God.
Islam teaches Jesus is NOT God.

Constantine did do some things.

Muslims (Barbarians) would try invading Europe for centuries.

You don't like Lutheranism? What about Calvinism?

On page 274 of Facts About Luther, it mentions Luther teaching on losing freewill.

If Martin Luther taught that, I would probably disagree at least with aspects of that. I believe I like some of the things Luther did. I believe he helped out with the development of western civilization which led to the rise of the United States which has in turn influenced the world over in a variety of ways more so than many other things combined.

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