New Year, New Dream, New Journey

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A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Many many years ago this above line was said by the famous Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, which I am going to apply in my own life as I'm trying to walk on a path of thousand miles by taking a small but effective step with lots of courage and determination.

It's really nice and cosy to be here amongst all the generous and dignified dwellers of Hive who are eventually going to be my co-Hivers too.
I can't imagine myself writing an article in a platform where all the great people share their valuable time, ideas but after fighting with the overflowing passion and excitement of mine I finally chose to be a part of Hive so allow me to begin my blogging journey with a brief introduction as the main motif of any kind of introduction is to know each other- it can be deeply or mildly it does not matter.

So let's know *Who I Am first
Many many years ago when the tigers used to smoke !!!! Ummmm!! I'm just kidding only 17 years ago from now in a dusky afternoon of a rainy season a small, delicate, crimson colored body with a warm soul was born in a warm and enjoyable country, named India, where six delightful seasons inhere their individual celestial beauty,, basically that girl was ME.
I was born in a happy joint family,in this happy family I was wandering and wondering quite happily but by the rules of nature it got separated then naturally I started to enjoy my days with my parents and with my only one younger sister and with lots of dreams and desires that I would love to fulfill one day.

I almost engulfed most of my childhood days so for now I'm standing on the threshold on the adulthood and I just got my admission in a university this this year(2022) and currently I'm waiting to get my bachelor degree (after 3 years of course) with flying colours in my favourite English Literature.
There were lots of career opportunities infront of me but I chose to walk on the path that my heart engraved for me with love and dreams without entangling myself in the enigmatical web of people's opinion.

I have always wanted to be a doctor but the phobia for blood stopped me from doing so and forced me to take another stream.
Fortunately, I'm not sad at all for what I chose over I what I used to love.

I'm the first born child of my parents out of two girls.
The people both who belives on me and who don't believe on me has already coronated a never ending fear in my heart this is why I have to work hard to prove that they did not nothing wrong by disbelieving and also believing on me.
I don't know what my future holds for me , all I know is as a normal human being with no immortality or any kind of super power I want and have to taste both bitter and sweet sides of life coz this is how I will become an imperfectly perfect human being though I believe 100% perfection is a nothing but a myth.

What Pushed me to join Hive??
It all started when one of my closest and best friends made me realise that I should be a part of Hive as it would definitely amused me with it's charms.
Thank you sooo much to her for inviting me in this beautiful world....
Wait... Can you smell something is wrong here??? Ummm!!! Okay okay as you have already realised what is wrong here Let me tell the real story actually no one sent me any kind of invitation to me to join Hive as I'm the one who pushed and motivated herself to taste another magical ambrosia.
I was just casually searching and searching for a blogging platform where I could not only earn to support myself but also learn something great and new, respect other's thoughts and ideas and share my own.
I always desired for a healthy competition where I could improve my writing skill, elevate my thoughts, rectify my faults, swap weaknesses to strengths and to be honest Hive is the only platform known to me where a person can grow, bloom with a healthy and positive mindset.

I'm not a writer at all and not sure about my success rate as a blogger but even after all of these uncertainties I want to give myself a chance to conquer all the 'What ifs' and unsaid questions.

I was mesmerized about the Idea how a particular platform can help a person to chase rainbow like excellence.
I'm really astonished at all the possibilities and opportunities Hive holds for every person.
The most important thing which made me surprise is in Hive we can actually engage with other people with different talents, different tastes, different abilities, from different countries, I belive through friendship we all will learn a lot together.

## Why I Choose "WitheredSpring" as my username?
We all know that each of us have to choose a particular username before starting our blogging journey it can be someone's real birthed name or it can be someone's pseudonym name just to hide their original identity so for me the second reason worked and I decided to type "WitheredSpring" as my username.

The username is not a name but also a reflection of my real character which I'm carrying now.
Me and my inner side was just like spring season, beautiful and delicate, until the poison like people destroyed all the beauties which once lied within my soul.
Now I'm working on it for myself to regain my beauty and blossom gracefully.

Let's Talk about Hobbies
Having hobbies can't make a person extraordinary and on the other side not having any hobby can't make a person dull and non- interisting.
But for me, there are some things which I like to cherish and am going to talk about those.

Reading :—I really like reading books, I really do...
The bewitching smell of books is enough to make me a maniac.
I love every genre, but s
Science and Historical fiction, Mystery, Fantasy,these particular genre lights up my world every time.
Every word of books seems like a magical door to me with which I can escape the sad reality like Doraemon's "Anywhere Door" and "Time Machine" .

Writing:— l really like writing specially what my heart whispers to me out of both joy and sorrow.
I'm not a professional writer but who cares when you can make yourself happy even with a messy thought.
Basically my writings are limited to the world of Diary but now I'm eager to give them freedom to fly anywhere they want.

Cherishing Nature:—
You can call me a plantita( that's how the people of my locality addressed me) I really like spending my time with them, learning Morea about them, appreciating their beauties, enjoying their charms and telling my worries to them.
(Own photo)

(Own Photo)

Did I tell you that I also like to paint though I have not mastered in it yet.
Here is one of those sketches and I promise I will share more.


(Own Photo)

Am I a Fool or Smart??
Well!! If you want an honest answer then I will say I can be both it depends on situation and people.
Actually I believe where I should act smart and where I should not
But some reason, kow I like to act smart 24/7 than to act fool as we all know "All the Devils are here and The Hell is empty" .
Unlike some people, I'm just an introvert, not so social butterfly kind of person who loves to lost in her own imaginary World of stories and nature where only tranquility and harmony prevails but sometimes I can be the person who talks too much.

As we have already came to an end of this article , let me tell you one thing I can't describe my interweaved personality in just one article coz it took me 17 years to know some little information about me, I hope you will not lose your interest on me until I publish another article of mine.

I would love to get lots of advices, support and love from my amazing friends.
Before ending this article, I just want to make you know that I'm thankful for your support and love that I will be getting from you.
Thank you again for reading my article amd staying tuned with me.

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