Hi Everyone. This is my introduction...

Hey, so not sure what to share and I do not like talking about myself too much so this will be a short post.

I am born in '82 and spend my first 18 years in a small countryside town in Bulgaria. My childhood was what I consider a normal childhood for anyone who grew up on the eastern block before '89 and during the transition times following after. I had a normal childhood, played soccer and later on basketball. I got accepted into a university at 18 and I studied economics and management for few years. I went on two work abroad programs to the US when I was still in college. The second time I decided to stay and have an adventure in the US. 15 years later I am still here. The journey was wild and unexpected. I ended up working in the construction/remodeling industry and learned the trade. Now I own a 5 star rated remodeling business in Washington, DC area which took me 8 years to build from the ground up. Currently, my plans are to take a break from work and convert a school bus and travel with my wife for a year or two and try a different lifestyle than the regular 9-5.

My friend Feanor, who I met through GodsUnchained send me a link and told me about Ecency and that I should try it out. I love learning new things and everything crypto. All this is super fascinating to me and I love supporting and be a part of new projects. I love being creative and expressing my artistic side. Share my thoughts and experiences and that's what I am here for.

If there's anything you wanna know just ask !!! Stay awesome!

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