Formal Introduction on Hive Platform

Introduction Myself

Good day to all! I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying their day. Radovaan Švec is my name and from Prešov city from eastern Slovakia. I studied Slovak University of Technology in software engineering. My family is from the middle class. We have a total of five individuals in our family, including mom, dad, one brother, one sister and me. I am youngest child in my family.



I really think that we should experience life to the fullest. We should appreciate every moment since, as we are all aware, life is too short and we shall all leave this planet one day. My interests ranged widely, including sports, video games, photography, and other pursuits. On the other hand, if I had to pick just one, I would pick photography. For me, photography is merely a pastime.


About Crypto World

On July 25 of this year, I made my debut into the cryptocurrency world. Because the first day in my crypto universe was so exciting, I can still recall the date. As you know, this is my introductory piece, so I'll just focus on this. I'll go into the complete story in another post. Just so you know, I entered the cryptocurrency world to make money because I wanted to be financially independent.



Writing Experience

I could not create a complete sentence when I first started blogging, but now that I have been doing it for a year, I can proudly state that I blog every day. There, I started creating my own original content, and many users found it useful. On that platform, I was posting six to seven times a day, which helped me enhance my writing. I put in a lot of effort, working over 14 hours per day.



Why Joining Hive

I wish to improve my writing. I also want to live a self-sufficient existence. I sought for money making websites and found this one. Additionally, I overthink my thoughts since I have depression and feel the need to express myself in some form, which is why I chose this. These serve as the driving forces behind joining Hive.

I sincerely appreciate you reading my message in the Introduction Hivers people. I just need a friendly greeting from you guys right now.

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