Unanticipated Immigration - Terrenden Stories - A'mara Books Erotica


Roylene sighed as she walked around Felida. She didn’t understand why her friends had sent her to Atrua, they didn’t even speak Common Tongue, after all!

“You need a boyfriend,” her friends had told her.

“I had a boyfriend!” Roylene reminded them.

“Months ago! It’s time you got over him and moved on!”

“What’s this have to do with traveling?”

“We’ve heard that they have seriously-romantic men in Atrua – especially if you’re there on the solstice, for Garland Day!”

So, that’s why Roylene was wandering the streets of Felida early in the morning on Garland Day – the solstice. Fortunately, there seemed to be no shortage of stands that sold them.

The fifth one she visited had some beautiful fresh flowers and matching ribbons. The woman asked her something, but Roylene had to shrug and shake her head.

“You visit?” the woman asked.

“Yes,” Roylene replied.

“I give you special. What your name?”


“Beautiful name. You spell it so I write it...”

Roylene did that. “Why?”

“So you throw the garland off bridge. With other single young women.”

“Okay,” Roylene agreed timidly.

“That is why you here today, right? To take part?”

“I guess.”

“I pray you like young man who find your garland.” She smiled cheerfully, winking suggestively.

Roylene started to think that her friends hadn’t told her enough about this Atruan custom! She paid and thanked the woman, then put the hair garland on, feeling beautiful, then wandered the streets a bit more. She wasn’t sure where to go or when to get there.

She pulled out her flyppad and looked for the interactive map of Felida.



“Lost?” asked a male voice.

Roylene started explaining, but he shrugged and smiled. She guessed he spoke even less Common Tongue. She sighed. He was very handsome, but she couldn’t talk to him! Oh, what a stupid idea to come to a place where she could barely communicate!

“Brent,” he said pointing to himself.

“Roylene,” she answered.

“Good,” he replied with a smile. “Show...” He took her hand and they walked together.

Brent’s hand was warm and strong, yet tender. He made her think of her ex-boyfriend whose grip was more controlling. Her relationship had never been one of equals, but one of domination. The real problems had been discovered when she first broached the idea of having a baby. It was his opinion that she wasn’t ready for a baby – that she wouldn’t know how to care for it. That was their first fight. And shortly before she had discovered that he had another lover – who was pregnant!

She sniffed and fought back the tears.

Brent stopped and turned her to him, pulling her into his arms. He said some soothing words that she could not understand. He stroked her back, then he lifted her mouth to his and kissed her gently.

Roylene felt her breath taken away at his touch. She was still giddy when he pulled away.

“Come,” he suggested, taking her hand again. He pointed at the park ahead where a bunch of women were gathered on the bridge. When they got there, he pointed her to join the women, while he went to the bank to wait.

Roylene waited with the other single women – some young, some not. Everyone held their garlands over the water, so she did the same. A shout was heard and everyone threw their garlands into the water. She almost forgot to throw hers, watching the frenzy of men scrambling for a garland. She saw Brent make throwing gestures.

She sighed and threw her hair garland into the water below. Brent ran after it and claimed it quickly, then held it aloft as if it was the greatest prize! She smiled and met him on the bank. He pulled her to him again and met her lips. This time, the kiss was one of hunger. His tongue quickly pressed into her mouth. Roylene melted into his arms as he pulled her tightly against his body, his lust hardening between them.

“Come,” he finally said as he broke off the kiss. He led her to a bank of tiny booths. Some of them emitted noises of pleasure. Brent pulled her into an empty one and closed the door behind them. He turned back to her and claimed her mouth again.

Roylene suddenly realized the purpose of the booths. She should tell him ‘no’ and leave right now.

Yet, somehow, she couldn’t. Her body had been awakened in those embraces she’d already shared with Brent. She had already felt his hardness. Could she deny him when she was so needy herself?

The hands inside her shirt told her that she couldn’t. His tender fingers teased her nipples to peaks and traced around them. “Milk,” he murmured.

Roylene realized that he would give her the child she wanted, right here, right now. All she had to do was let him! But when she went back to X’lea, she would be alone again, with his child! But she would have a child…

She opened his pants and dug out his eager arousal which stopped his hands for a moment. She knelt and took him in her mouth, giving him what her ex had always maintained was his preferred. Hearing Brent’s gasp of pleasure, she knew he liked it too. His hands caressed her cheeks as she pleasured him.

He pulled her back up to him, and helped her remove her clothing. He stepped out of his own giving Roylene a chance to admire his handsome body.

He knelt and kissed her sacred flower, then running his tongue over it, bringing her pearl to its own hardness. Roylene moaned with the pleasure of his tongue. Her ex hadn’t done that more than once. Being a single mother would be worth this exquisite pleasure! “Oh!” she cried out. “Brent!” she gasped urgently.

He looked up at her and smiled as he crawled over her and met her lips again. Then he lowered against her body and entered her swiftly, furiously. She cried out again and again as he took her fully. “Roylene!” he murmured breathlessly as he pounded within her body.

All too soon, his groan told her he was there. He held her closely as he pressed deeply into her and released his seed. “Roylene!” he whispered urgently as he kissed her.

Roylene felt giddy with fulfilled desire, his member still twitching inside her, expelling the final drops of seed – which just might take root inside her. She felt naughty, but also extremely happy. She met his lips eagerly, greeting his tongue with hers.

“Roylene stay?” he asked. “Brent baby?”

Roylene looked into his brown eyes and wondered if she’d understood him correctly. He wanted her to stay? He wanted their baby?

She found herself nodding. How could she leave with his baby if he wanted her?

“Brent home. Roylene home. Baby home.”

She nodded again, feeling the grin claim her face.

Tarjan! Tarjan, Roylene!” he cried gratefully, kissing her over and over. “Come home!”

A few minutes later, Roylene had his arm around her as he walked her to his apartment. He showed her around, saving the bedroom for last. “Brent,” he said, pointing to one side of the bed. “Roylene,” he continued, pointing at the other side. “Baby,” he added, pointing to the very middle. “Home!” he proclaimed, indicating the whole place. “Roylene home!”

Roylene smiled and wrapped her arms around him. “Yes! I am home!”

Brent poured out his feelings in a torrent of words she didn’t understand, but she could understand that he was telling her that he wanted her. Their clothes seemed to fall off and he pulled her with him onto their bed and commenced loving her again.

Roylene could contact X’lea tomorrow and tell them she wasn’t returning in the immediate future!


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Lori Svensen
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