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Thoughtful Daily Post Monthly Prompt #3

Happy October everyone! 🍁 We want to give a massive thank you to those who participated in last month's prompt! We are currently putting our heads together to select our winners for September. We will be announcing them later in the week!

Before we dive into the prompt for this month, we would like to kindly ask that you check out the TDP Posting Guide if you have not done so already.

Thoughtful Daily Post (1).jpg

Image provided by @grindan, edited on Canva

Criteria for Participation


  • All submissions must be published in the Thoughtful Daily Post community using the tag #thoughtfulprompt.

  • Only original write-ups will be accepted; no one wants to read machine generated text!

  • Post must be submitted by October 31st at midnight UTC

  • Posts should be at least 300 words long

  • If you are translating your post, please share both the original and the English version in your submission

  • And of course, keep it thoughtful!

Although we all use stock images occasionally, special consideration will be given to those who use their own photos. Don't forget to visit other's posts as well! Nothing is as thoughtful as a kind comment or word of encouragement!

Monthly prompt

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Image provided by @grindan, edited on Canva

If you could go back in time and give your younger self 3 pieces of advice, what age would you choose to visit yourself at? What wisdom do you choose to impart, and why?


First place 8 Hive

Second place 5 Hive

Third Place 3 Hive

Prizes will be distributed during the first week of November.

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Before you run off to spread the thoughtfulness...

Did you know that we are paying out a share of our curation rewards to delegators daily thanks to @hivediscomod created by @yaziris? If you would like to help us boost TDP power, as well as earn some rewards in the process, delegations to @thoughtfulposts are greatly appreciated! 🤗✨


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We look forward to reading your submissions, cheers!