RE: Nature Rules and Other Thoughts

We have it so good. We enjoy it so much. We express it so little. It can make your heart shine like the stars in the universe. The most beautiful feeling in the world. Tulips, long gone, but never forgotten. Their beauty is legendary. Flowers. Always. To color my world. Always a flower. #alwaysaflower❤️

Always a flower to colour all of our worlds, vicariously through YOU, lovely lady. That is exactly how it works, ya know 😉

We have the most synchronicitous timing between us. Sometimes, I am convinced we exist on entirely separate planes. Perhaps that could explain the dreamy, ethereal quality I experience when reading your words in combination with some of the most joyful, natural beauty shots.

Of course, I stopped by to say I hope you are happy, well and your life is messy with joy.

Sadly I find we are slightly out of step once again haha. Words are not perishable by design and these will be here when you return to ensure you remember that you are remembered, thought of and matter to those who miss you and who realise just how important your little spot in the universe is, nobody else could fill it in quite the same way.

Hmm, it appears I rambled a little longer than I expected to...

Quelle surprise

See ya soon my friend. Be happy, be well, be the Swigle (no one else can do it like you!!!) 😎🌻

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