Let go of the past 😊💕


Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone, at some point in their life did something they weren't proud of. It is normal to not get things right. It is normal to blunder. Each of us, being human, is imperfect in our own unique ways. Imperfection is inherent in humanity, and none of us is without flaws.

Scars are a reminder of what hurt us, of what caused us pain and wounded us. These wounds may have been caused by people we love and people we care about, and so they cut deep, deeper and sharper than a surgeon's scalpel. They say the saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, but from those you love the most. This doesn't mean that we should let the wounds of betrayal sting forever. This doesn't mean we should allow the pain to leave us devastated.

In the same way, regrets are a reminder of the pain we caused others and the mistakes we made in times past. Regrets can hinder our progress, and prevent us from moving on because the memories never fade. Instead of wallowing in the pain of our regrets, we should harness them and use them to grow into better people. The decisions we regret should guide us to make better decisions in the future. The mistakes we made in the past should not define who we are today, and who we are meant to be tomorrow.


The past can hurt, yes. But your strength lies not in the measure of how often you avoid falling, but in your gracefulness to rise when you fall. Allow the wounds of the past to heal and use them as stepping stones to becoming the best version of yourself. Embrace them, grow through and from them, become a stronger person and keep moving forward. Let the lessons of the past shape you and mould you and transform you into a better, more resilient individual. We do not live to dwell in the shadows of our past, but to learn from it and utilise the lessons to the best of our abilities.

Let go of the past. It is the past for a reason. Live life as it is in the present. Forgive. Forgive other people for the hurt they cause you, and let go of the grudges and the anger. Forgive yourself for the hurt you cause others, and liberate yourself from the weight of guilt. Free yourself from the shackles of the past. And live!
Because tomorrow is not promised.

Thank you for reading 😊
Have a great day❤️

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