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Stillness and silence

Sometimes I try to remain so still and quiet; I take myself away from the fast-paced life that society demands, away from other people and their noise, complications and expectations and I find somewhere quiet, somewhere natural, and I find stillness of body, mind and soul and it's there I find the silence I need to hear myself and the world around me and it's in that moment I feel at peace.


This image is mine

The planet is never totally silent, it reverberates with its own sounds that are beyond our capability to hear, it's every bit as alive as I am and, despite its sounds not being audible, they're there all the same; I call them vibrations, and it's in the moment of stillness and silence I create that those vibrations reach deeply inside me to soothe my restlessness, carry away tension and leave me feeling settled, calm and closer to my true self.

I believe people have allowed the perception of life to get in the way of what life truly is, or should be; we're pushed and pulled in many directions and it's difficult to see the important things clearly, so people follow paths towards the less important, or the unimportant. I put myself in that category at times, more so in the past than present, but it happens occasionally even now. However, I work terribly hard to prevent it and to move away from a life influenced by unimportant factors and towards a life of my own choosing, crafted by my own thoughts, emotions and actions.

The moments I spend in stillness and silence are very important to me and I try to find that time and space each week. I found a moment today and in it I allowed the vibrations of the planet to permeate my senses and I let nature provide the soundtrack through birdsong, swaying trees and the sound of the ocean.

Today I had a moment, the exact moment I needed to have, and its beauty lingers still.

Becca 💗