Just checking

We're moving towards the end of the week, a reasonably good one all things considered, and I have no complaints - they're unproductive anyway, and feel that when the working week comes to a conclusion I'll be content with the week I've had.

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I took this image

Most weeks I spend some time thinking about how things have been in my working week and more specifically how I have reacted to what's occurred around me, treated others and myself, my thoughts and actions, and what I have done to find the best value from the week I possibly could. I suppose it's a simple check up on myself and how my life in the several days of the week has gone and it helps me understand where I might improve and what things I may have to do to make my life a little better overall.

It is a very simple process although I find I need a peaceful moment in which to do it, something that can often be difficult to find in a week that leaves little free time. Mostly I manage though and while the process seems simple the results can be profound and have so much value to me.

It's something I try and do more than once a week really, prior to the working week, somewhere in the middle and towards the end, which means I can think about how best to set it up, check it in the middle to see if I'm on track and review how it finished up at the end with each opportunity giving me the chance to plan for the future, even if that future is only days away. It's one of my techniques to keep me productive and to ensure I tick all the boxes.

This week, I believe I am right on track to hit my goals and am looking forward to moving into the weekend positively and happily knowing I have been productive during the week and have got everything done at the same time as taking care of myself.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗

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