Yes we guarded Hunter Biden, no we have no idea where he went: Secret Service


For over 5 years, from 9 January 2009 to July 2014, Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, who was Vice President in the Obama Administration at the time, was under the protection of the US Secret Service, the same government agency that guards Presidents, Vice Presidents and many other VIP's. During that time, Biden traveled extensively as well as was involved in many business ventures, including those with Chinese and Ukrainian parties that were at the same time involved with the US government, with Hunter Biden alleged to have been a connection to his father.

Now in response to a request by several members of the legislature the Secret Service to have lost documents related to Hunter Biden's travel during that time period. As an ex-government parasite I can attest that it is possible that they genuinely lost those documents - as yes, in my humble opinion, the government is indeed that dysfunctional. It is also more than possible that here we have corruption and we have an agency of the government covering up for Hunter Biden and his father, the current President, who may indeed have been selling influence as some serious evidence indicates.

Whatever your view on the situation, with the Secret Service acting this way, it is crazy to imagine that there is nothing to see here and that those who suspect corruption are just "crazy conspiracy theorists". In fact, it is crazy not to suspect that something untoward did take place back when the Secret Service was providing security to Hunter Biden, and that what we are witnessing now is a coverup.


Secret Service Unable to Locate Multiple Years of Hunter Biden Travel Records
Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times, 26 February 2022

Hunter Biden (wiki)
Archived 25 April 2022

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