What's Wrong?



What's wrong?

He asked looking straight into my eyes

Feeling this way is something I hate

But my heart yearns for it

I ought to be a strong woman

But my emotions are getting the best of me

Making me get this tingling feeling for a man

It ought to be one of my numerous one-night stands

Don't give me that look for I am used to be called an whore

Sharing her bed with different men

Both familiar and unfamiliar

And after each encounter either good or bad

Moves on to the next

But this I am feeling is so wrong

I look at him

His face was charming

My heart getting the best of me

My brain trying to stop it

My lips spread open

As I force the words out of my mouth

Resisting the urge to kiss him


Everything is wrong

He gave me the questioning look

Demanding for clarity

You are wrong

I am wrong
Me feeling this way is wrong

What feelings?

His soft baritone voice asked

How can a baritone be so soft?

O my goodness pardon my figure of speech

For I have fallen deep for this man

I am a strong woman I said in my heart

No, I won't admit that I love him

Nothing, I said

As I take my steps

To leave his presence

With my brain promising my heart

Not to see him again

Even when my heart says something else

He held me by the arm stopping me from taking further steps

I love you and I know you feel the same way too

I don't...
I said with a great tension

He held my waist

Leaning his lips towards mine

I move my face away giving him my cheek

Trying to resist the urge to kiss him

He suddenly pushes me to the floor

I was surprised

Within the twinkle of an eye

I saw a bullet hit the man I have only loved in the chest

He took my bullet

And saved me from my assassin

The police arrived

And handcuff my assassin
But the man I loved was already bleeding life out of him

I love you I said

As I kiss him on the face

I Know he responded

And I love you too

But I can't be with you anymore

You will always be in my heart still

No, I cried

Learn to give love a chance he said

As he gave up the ghost

I realized I was a weakling

Scared of being in love

With the man that love with his life and trades it to save mine

What's wrong?

I am wrong.

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