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Mi Entrenamiento de Circuito 🔱💪🏻

Entrenamiento de Circuito
Circuit Training
Buenas noches, mis amigos de Hive y SWC, hoy les vengo a compartir mi rutina de circuito de básicos. Cuando llegué a las barras, estaba algo inquieto, ya que, la rutina no iba a estar nada fácil hoy. Habitual, yo acostumbro a entrenar los viernes con todo lo que pueda, ya que, después, tendré un descanso activo de sábado y domingo, así que me puse a buscar entre los circuitos de competencias que tengo, y escogí 3 circuitos el día de hoy. Primero comencé calentando habitualmente las muñecas, luego, un poco los hombros con la liga de resistencia, seguidamente, realicé algunas contracciones escapulares para darle una buena activación a la espalda, por último, realicé un poco de cardio trotando unos 200 metros, para luego así, dar comienzo a la rutina de hoy.
Good evening, my friends from Hive and SWC, today I come to share with you my basic circuit routine. When I got to the bars, I was a bit anxious, as the routine was not going to be easy today. I usually train on Fridays with as much as I can, since I will have an active rest on Saturday and Sunday, so I started looking through the competition circuits I have, and I chose 3 circuits today. First I started by warming up my wrists, then a little bit my shoulders with the resistance band, then I did some scapular contractions to give a good activation to my back, finally I did some cardio jogging for 200 meters, and then I started today's routine.


La rutina constaba con, dominadas, muscle-up, bardips, fondos y flexiones. Estos ejercicios se dividían en 3 circuitos largos, el primer circuito fue lastrado con un peso de 12 kg, de verdad, este primer circuito me dejó muerto, eran muchas repeticiones, en algunas no se exigía lastre, pero de igual manera, resultó muy difícil o tanto por la repetición si no por el peso lastre. El siguiente circuito lo realicé sin lastre, ya que no era necesario. Este me fatigó mucho, ya que venía cansado del circuito anterior. En este sentí que casi llegaba al fallo muscular. El muscle-up me costaba un montón, pero igual, lo pude realizar con buena técnica. El último circuito, constaba de bloques de muscle-up y bardips 5 veces sin bajarme de la barra, me costó mucho, pero igual, lo pude realizar aun así con buena técnica. Pensé que no iba a poder subir los muscle-up, pero sí los pude realizar. De verdad, los circuitos de hoy me dejaron muy fatigado, cansado, agotado y hambriento, pero lo importante es qué sí pude realizarlos y me siento muy satisfecho ya qué pude con el entrenamiento y me doy cuenta de todo lo qué he podido avanzar desde qué comencé a entrenar Calistenia de la modalidad de Sets And Reps. Espero que les haya gustado mi experiencia de entrenamiento del día de hoy. Víctor Márquez, compartiendo con ustedes contenido de calistenia, nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad.
The routine consisted of pull-ups, muscle-ups, bardips, dips and push-ups. These exercises were divided into 3 long circuits, the first circuit was weighted with a weight of 12 kg, really, this first circuit left me dead, there were many repetitions, some did not require ballast, but still, it was very difficult or so much for the repetition if not by the weight ballast. The next circuit I did it without ballast, since it was not necessary. This one fatigued me a lot, as I was tired from the previous circuit. In this one I felt that I was almost reaching muscle failure. The muscle-up was very difficult, but I was able to perform it with good technique. The last circuit consisted of muscle-up blocks and bardips 5 times without getting off the bar, it was very difficult, but I was still able to perform it with good technique. I thought I wasn't going to be able to do the muscle-ups, but I was able to do them. Really, today's circuits left me very fatigued, tired, exhausted and hungry, but the important thing is that I was able to perform them and I feel very satisfied since I was able to do the training and I realize how much I have been able to advance since I started training Calisthenics in the Sets And Reps modality. I hope you liked my training experience today. Victor Marquez, sharing with you calisthenics content, see you next time.

Victor Márquez Compartiendo Contigo Original
Victor Márquez Compartiendo Contigo Original



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