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Exhibici贸n Freestyle | Amateur | Apure - Gimnasio Cubierto 2022 [SPA 馃嚮馃嚜] [ENG馃嚭馃嚥]


Exhibici贸n Freestyle | Amateur | Apure - Gimnasio Cubierto 2022 [SPA 馃嚮馃嚜] [ENG馃嚭馃嚥]

Freestyle Exhibition | Amateur | Apure - Gimnasio Cubierto 2022 [SPA 馃嚮馃嚜] [ENG馃嚭馃嚥]

ESPA脩OL 馃嚮馃嚜

Muy buenas a todos y un cordial saludo amigos y amigas de SWC, soy Luis Romero @pimoswo, formo parte de la comunidad de Streetworkout en la cadena de bloques hive. El d铆a de hoy les traigo lo que fue la exhibici贸n de freestyle en la categor铆a amateur, en este post o bueno en el cortometraje quise hacer algo distinto as铆 que realice el edit estilo vintage para probar cosas nuevas. A continuaci贸n apreciar谩n lo que fue est谩 exhibici贸n la cual me dej贸 totalmente fascinado. Sin m谩s que decir comencemos!!

Good morning everyone and a warm greeting friends of SWC, I'm Luis Romero @pimoswo, I'm part of the Streetworkout community on the hive blockchain. Today I bring you what was the freestyle exhibition in the amateur category, in this post or well in the short film I wanted to do something different so I made the vintage style edit to try new things. Next you will appreciate what was this exhibition which left me totally fascinated. Without more to say let's start!

Exhibici贸n Freestyle - Amateur

Freestyle Exhibition - Amateur



Nuestra compa帽era @milagroscdlrr es quien da apertura a esta gran exhibici贸n demostrando de lo que est谩 hecha y el nivel que ha ido ganando de verdad me siento muy feliz por ver su progreso tanto en free como en movimientos de fuerza, c贸mo su v-sit y parada de manos, sin duda alguna su esfuerzo est谩 dando frutos. Sigue as铆!!

Our partner @milagroscdlrr is the one who opens this great exhibition showing what she is made of and the level she has been gaining, I really feel very happy to see her progress both in free and strength movements, like her v-sit and handstand, no doubt her effort is paying off. Keep it up!



Seguidamente Joan di贸 una demostraci贸n de su poder combinando dinamicos con est谩ticos, a pesar de que no est谩 entrenando como sol铆a entrenar sigue estando fuerte. Mis respetos 馃挭馃徑

Next Joan gave a demonstration of her power combining dynamic with static, even though she is not training like she used to train she is still going strong. My respects 馃挭馃徑



A Daniel lo conoc铆 este d铆a de la exhibici贸n, se le nota la pasi贸n cuando est谩 haciendo Streetworkout y eso de verdad es motivante, ver esa chispa y esa emoci贸n en ellos nos llena de motivaci贸n.

I met Daniel this day of the exhibition, you can see his passion when he is doing Streetworkout and that is really motivating, to see that spark and that emotion in them fills us with motivation.



Atleta del estado Apure, de verdad al ver su presentaci贸n pude darme cuenta que su fuerte es la tracci贸n y sus elementos involucrados como lo es el front lever. De verdad que su nivel me llama la atenci贸n.

Athlete from the state of Apure, really to see his presentation I could realize that his forte is the traction and its elements involved as is the front lever. Truly his level calls my attention.



Este chico realmente nos contagia de su energ铆a, muy emocionado al hacer su presentaci贸n a pesar de sus errores el chico se levant贸 y sigui贸, eso es realmente admirable.

This guy really infects us with his energy, very excited to make his presentation despite his mistakes the guy got up and kept going, that's really admirable.



Por 煤ltimo pero no menos importante nuestro amigo N茅stor tuvo una incre铆ble presentaci贸n se nota su esfuerzo y el nivel que ha conseguido, ya est谩 pisando la l铆nea de semi profesional. Sigue as铆 hermanito motivas 馃挭馃徑

Last but not least our friend Nestor had an incredible presentation you can see his effort and the level he has achieved, he is already stepping on the semi pro line. Keep it up little brother you motivate 馃挭馃徑.

Much铆simas gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer este post, si les gust贸 pueden seguirme para m谩s contenido 馃憢馃徑

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this post, if you liked it you can follow me for more content. 馃憢馃徑



鈻讹笍 3Speak

a year ago