Cumpliendo el reto, 1 min de hanstad | Fulfilling the challenge, 1 min of hanstad [ESP|ENG]

Street Workout Community

Cumpliendo el reto, 1 min de hanstad

Fulfilling the challenge, 1 min of hanstad

Hola a todos amigos de Street Workout Community Buenas buenas el dia de hoy vamos a cumplir el reto propuesto por @milagroscdlrr que consiste en cumplir en parada de manos cierto tiempo, en este caso 1 minuto, les dejare el video y mi experiencia.
Hello to all friends of Street Workout Community Good morning, today we are going to meet the challenge proposed by @milagroscdlrr which consists of doing a handstand for a certain amount of time, in this case 1 minute, I will leave you the video and my experience.


La verdad cuando comence pense que no seria tan dificil pero realmente lo que es la duracion es otra cosa, cuando llegue a los primeros 30 segundos realmente sentia que ya llevaba media hora en parada de manos, comence a sentir como mis hombros ya estaban cansados y me costaba un poco el equilibrio, al llego al segundo 40 y 50 realmente ya no daba para mas, no se como lo complique y cuando escuchaba que solo faltaban 10 segundos sentia que era una eternidad, pero lo logramos, logramos cumplir el reto asi que al menos llegamos a la meta.
The truth when I started I thought it would not be so difficult but really what is the duration is another thing, when I reached the first 30 seconds I really felt that I had already been half an hour in handstand, I began to feel like my shoulders were already tired and it was a little difficult to balance, when I reached the second 40 and 50 I really could not give more, I do not know how I complicated it and when I heard that only 10 seconds left I felt it was an eternity, but we did it, we met the challenge so at least we got to the goal.


Esto es todo y sin mas nada que agregar los veo en el proximo post, recuerden siempre ir con paciencia y disciplina, pueden lograr lo que sea.
This is all and with nothing more to add I will see you in the next post, remember to always go with patience and discipline, you can achieve anything.

La musica usada en la intro del video esta libre de derechos de autor
The music used in the intro of the video is royalty free.
Unknown Brain x Rival - Control (feat. Jex) [NCS Release]

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