Circles of OCD

One of the things no-one tells you about as you embark on the journey in to lightpainting is the inevitable obsessive compulsion to nail a shot. The level of complexity required to make these shots only makes it worse.

Circles of OCD

We visited a new to us tunnel this evening just off the Stocksbridge Bypass north of Sheffield and set up just as the dark arrived. I lined my lightpainting buddy up in the centre of frame and created an improvised outline using a supermarket carrier bag from Sainsburys. This outline is achieved by furiously waving the bag whilst waving even more furiously a flashlight at the bag.


Once I'd nailed the silhoutte lightpainted by carrier bag, I turned the camera 45 degrees to the right and added the spirals using a Ball of Light (tm) tool. It would take me ages to explain how we achieved this but suffice to say, OCD played a big part in this image!

All shot in one photographic exposure, this is not a Photoshop creation!

About me:
I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to create art.

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