GIVEAWAY : Last Chapter from the Serenity Quest

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The Quest...

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Today's Gift is Opened(2).png
A Pizza Energy boost costing more than 11Kstarbits!!!Directly from the market!
Playable here:


To be eligible: Re-blog this post on your blog and name the gift of your preference. Also tell us what you think about the stories I tell at end of the posts, do you like them? And feel free to talk about us around you!

Today's Sponsor is :

@sirgivealot himself who had a very nice quest at the Principality, last chapter told here below!

His message :

Tell me fellow citizens, ever heard about the Principality of Bastion? I promise, I will, one day or another come back to the Principality and live there ! It's really a nice place to live! You should give it a try too!


Previous Winner

Let's see who won the previous round ?

The prize is won by ...

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@hive-103505 requested the cards, which has been sent ! Congratulations, it might take time to be updated.

Please: Don't forget to comment and tell people you received your prize!


Sir GiveaLot Background Story (Quest 2 - Chapter 3 - Visiting the Principality of Bastion)

Sir Givealot and Tobias devised a clever plan to outsmart the outlaws. They enlisted the help of the talking animals and forest spirits to create a diversion, drawing the outlaws away from their camp. While the outlaws were distracted, Sir Givealot and Tobias dismantled their operation and collected evidence of their wrongdoing.

With the evidence in hand, they returned to Bastion City and presented it to Prince Ithara Gaian. The prince, in his wisdom, held a trial for the outlaws and made them responsible for cleaning up the mess they had caused. He also ensured that measures were put in place to protect Lake Serenity from further pollution.

Sir Givealot's noble actions earned him the admiration and gratitude of the people of Bastion City. He was hailed as a true friend of the principality and was awarded the prestigious Order of Serenity by Prince Ithara Gaian himself.

Having once again brought justice and kindness to a troubled land, Sir Givealot bid farewell to Bastion City, knowing that his adventures were far from over. With Tobias and Stardust by his side, he ventured forth into the world, ready to face whatever challenges and quests lay ahead, guided always by his unyielding dedication to justice and his heart full of kindness.

But he promised to himself he would come back to the Principality often as it is indeed a very nice place to be and even to live!

(...) Next chapter coming soon, if our readers like it ...


Support the Knight

Sir GiveALot loves to gift the citizens, but he also loves to receive gifts from them. As long as they remain gifts ... You may upvote, send tips, use !tipstokens, or wathever you consider legitimate. You may also follow our Giveways Zone Community. (@hive-108698)

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