[ESP-ENG] Comparing prices 💸 to buy an air fryer pot and seeing things for the house 🏡


🇺🇸 English🇺🇸

¡¡Holis! @home.solutions family. Here I am again, if they haven't seen me, hehehe. Happy Thursday everyone ⛅🤪...

This Wednesday in the company of my husband, we took a tour of several stores in town, looking for and comparing prices of some appliances that we need to buy, especially an air fryer.< /div>

First we went to Uncle Amy, a department store, which does not have as much variety in appliances, but they told us that we could get what we were looking for. The truth is that we mainly want an air fryer, perhaps it is not a prioritized appliance, however it has many benefits in terms of healthy food, and it is what we are looking for.

We got air fryers of different models, capacities and prices, the truth is that they seemed expensive to me, however that option was open there. I also saw some baskets that I need to buy, to organize my new mess in the room, which will soon be resolved with a new wooden shelf that we had made.

We continued our bike ride to the other side of the town, and we went to Multimax, I have already told you about this store that has very good promotions, those are the ones that normally We took advantage, however we saw several air fryers without promotion.

With money in hand I couldn't risk not buying anything, because if not that was the time, we would spend it on something else and in that sense, we compared the prices of air fryers that we saw in Uncle Amy, and the ones from Multimax were cheaper.

There were air fryers of different brands and capacities, but the one that best suited our budget was a 4-liter one for $62, from an unrecognized brand but that was recommended to us.< /div>

At Multimax there were terrible lines, because they are offering credits to buy appliances, even so we did not want to waste time on it, because we had the money in hand, so we went to the normal shopping line and we pay for the air fryer.

The one who was happy was me, hehehe, because my husband is a little pessimistic when I tell him that I want an appliance that is not a priority for him, just like when we bought the Smartv. My husband has been looking at giant refrigerators that he wants to buy and if he gets paid money at work, he says he will buy it, even though we already have a new small refrigerator.

The fact is that we already have the air fryer with us, we are in the testing process and it is working out very well for preparing fried type foods, without oil. I will not give you more details about the fryer in this post, because I will reserve them for a review Tuesday 🤭. What I can tell you is that I am happy with the purchase.

I also saw a set of basic plastic chairs and tables at Traki that I hope to buy soon because we need them.

That's all for this post. See you✌️📝...


¡¡Holis! Familia @home.solutions. Aquí estoy yo otra vez, sino me han visto, Jejeje. Feliz jueves para todos ⛅🤪...

Este miércoles en compañía de mi esposo, hicimos un recorrido por varios comercios del pueblo, buscando y comparando precios de algunos electrodomésticos que necesitamos comprar, más que todo una freidora de aire.

Primero fuimos a Tío Amy, una tienda por departamentos, que no tiene tanta variedad en electrodomésticos, pero nos comentaron que podiamos conseguir lo que buscamos. Lo cierto es que, queremos una freidora de aire principalmente, quizá no es un electrodoméstico priorizado, sin embargo tiene muchos beneficios en cuanto a la comida saludable, y es lo que buscamos.

Conseguimos freidoras de aire de modelos diferentes, capacidades y precios, la verdad es que me parecieron costosas, sin embargo por allí estaba esa opción abierta. También ví unas cestas que necesito comprar, para organizar mi nuevo desorden en la habitación, que pronto se resolverá con un nuevo estante de madera que mandamos a elaborar.

Seguimos nuestro recorrido en bici hacia el otro lado del pueblo, y nos dejamos llegar hasta Multimax, ya les he comentado de éste comercio que cuenta con promociones buenísimas, esas son las que normalmente aprovechamos, sin embargo vimos varias freidoras de aire sin promoción.

Con plata en mano no podía arriesgarme a no comprar nada, porque sino era ese el momento, lo gastariamos en otra cosa y en ese sentido, comparamos los precios de las freidoras de aire que vimos en Tío Amy, y las de Multimax estaban mas económicas.

Habían freidoras de aire de diferentes marcas y capacidades, pero la más ajustada a nuestro presupuesto era una de 4 Litros en 62$, de una marca no reconocida pero que nos recomendaron.

En Multimax habían colas terribles, porque están ofreciendo créditos para comprar electrodomésticos, aún así no quisimos perder tiempo en ello, porque teníamos el dinero en la mano, así que, fuimos a la fila de compras normales y pagamos la freidora de aire.

La que estaba contenta era yo, Jejeje, porque mi esposo es un poco pesimista cuando le comento, que quiero un electrodoméstico que para el no es una prioridad, así como cuando compramos el Smartv. Mi esposo estuvo viendo neveras gigantes que quiere comprar y si en el trabajo le pagan un dinero pendiente, dice que la comprará, aunque ya tenemos una nevera pequeña nueva🫢.

El caso es que ya tenemos la freidora de aire con nosotros, estamos en proceso de prueba y está resultando súper bien para preparar comidas tipo fritas, sin aceite. No les daré más detalles sobre la freidora en éste post, porque me las reservaré para un martes de reseña 🤭. Lo que les puedo decir, es que estoy feliz con la compra.

También ví un juego de sillas y mesas plásticas básicas en Traki que espero pronto comprar porque las necesitamos.

Es todo por éste post. Nos vemos✌️📝...

Creditos - Credits

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Stickers realizado en Bitmoji | Stickers made in Bitmoji.

Fotografias capturadas con mi teléfono Tecno Spark 10 pro | Photos captured with my Tecno Spark 10 pro phone.

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