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I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
Ephesians 1:17

it will take the spirit of revelation in the wisdom of God to be able to know God closely, yes to an extend we may proclaim him lord why because the society do so but how we may really know whom we proclaimed requires a deep intimacy, a close communion done with understanding to be able to access the throne of mercy and grace where wisdom is in abundance, and is ever ready to spring forth to as many who will ask according to his word.

The best ways to which God's word do have life is for us to command that life in it with an understanding we posses in our spirit about Him .and what the Words says about us.

No earthly priest will trust his gods without proves, it is those proves that will keep him committed to serving this gods and also doing the gods bidings.

Receive the grace to operate in the wisdom of God which surpasses all understanding of men in Jesus Name Amen.
