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Follow the example of Christ, be full of love for others
Ephesians 5:2

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We need revolution and there is no doubt that. If progress is to be achieved, our generations need to work together and listen, which is one of the first co-operation criteria. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is significant as the great conciliator at this stage. In his first epistle Apostle John proclaimed, "I wrote to you, young men;" and, "I wrote to you, O fathers." This was to the young activists and the elders, "Through this we know the love of the people: that Christ laid down for us His life. And we are obliged, for our brothers, to lay down our lives. But if a man is adequate to live on, but if he sees the need of his brother close his heart toward him, how can it be said that he lives in divine love? Love should not, My children, be a matter of speech or conversation; love should be authentic and be successful.