Everyone in life wants to be good in all areas of our lives and we want the people with whom we socialize treat us well and be kind to us, but the question is, do you act in the same way too? Do you do to others what you want them to do to you? This is where the big problem arises since there are many people who want to be treated well to receive things from others such as: kindness, empathy, compassion, gratitude among others but they do not apply anything they want to receive and treat others badly.

Matthew 7:12
Reina-Valera 1960
12 So then, whatever you want men to do to you, so do you also to them; because this is the law and the prophets.
(Reina-Valera 1960)


Today I want to remind you that you are special to God and that what we sow in this life we ​​will later reap, so today I urge you not to waste a single opportunity to be kind to help those who need you and to leave footprints that mark the good of life. life of others.

In fact, if you have the opportunity, dare to look for that person that you know is going through difficult situations and needs to receive a word of strength, inspiration or encouragement, and very soon you will notice that the way that what you want to receive reaches you is not by demanding it but by sowing it in the lives of others

All the good that we do in this life will be returned to us is a universal law and if you want to be treated well and that others are kind to you, you are also kind to others.

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