People must understand that the wise life supposes to attribute a relative value to the decisions that one can make according to what the word of God establishes, since the wise man chooses those things that have permanent value since the best decisions are not those that are according to the decisions of the world but those that truly add value to our lives and that are centered on the will of God according to his wisdom.

That is why the wise man on the good day enjoys himself but also considers and reflects on the bad day since both things are God's will.

Ecclesiastes 7:14
14 In the day of good rejoice in good; and in the day of adversity consider. God made both the one and the other, so that man will find nothing after him.


God has allowed good and evil to be part of life, so human beings cannot independently determine what the future holds for them. This then is a direct warning to those who regard prosperity as a sure sign of God's blessing and poverty as a curse for sin.

God in his sovereignty chooses what to do throughout the universe and although many consider that things happen for some reason, only God knows why he allows them.

Wealth will not lengthen natural life; but true wisdom will give spiritual life, and strengthen men for services under their sufferings. Let's take a look at the arrangement of our condition of God's work, and in the end they all seem to have been the best.

Good and evil are part of life but in the end this is not what will determine our lives but the word of God in our hearts since good and evil will pass but the word of God will remain and will be the one that will allow us to reflect and delve into what is really important for eternity.

In this life nothing is certain, the only thing that is eternal is God in our lives and the eternal life that he has prepared for all those who love him.

Comments: Parallel Bible, 1997

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