When the Cross is all you see.

The Cross signifies the end of all suffering and tells the ultimate sacrifice that was carried out by Jesus Christ so we are able to live a full life of victory, what then does it mean when the cross is all we see???

Matthew 27:1-54 tells of how a God who was made flesh for our sake was crucified that we will be free and with him. He endured the torture, humiliation and disgrace so you and I can have supreme dominion over death.

I still wonder at the choice of death for Him. Why crucifixion and why did they have to beat Him and drag Him around the city?



The cross signifies the pain taken away from man and the victory he was introduced to through a selfless sacrifice.
Jesus Christ did not deserve to die by crucifixion hence, the ultimate sacrifice He paid to redeem man from destruction. If you recall from the story, He was used to replace a convicted criminal and the two persons sacrificed alongside Him were also convicted criminals.

The story of our lives is wrapped in difficult and twisted stories of challenges, trials, tribulation and the threat of a life that can be extinguished before it even starts.

Whenever I am in hurt and the fear of not being able to find my way creeps in, I see the Cross and I have always wondered why.
The cross which platform for the inhumane death of the Lamb of God who was without blemish, is the principal symbol of the Christian religion. It tells us that, someone went through that path so we all don't have to go through it in the quest for salvation or victory.

Whenever I see the cross, I am reminded that, I don't have to see the battle overpowering me. I am reminded that, the world is just what it is because that is what it is and that, I have been assured victory and dominion through the redeeming death of Jesus Christ.

Life will always present you with the most wicked and bitter stories. You will hear and see things that makes you shiver and wonder if we are all humans or if some are just demons in human flesh.

Once heard the story of how a good and caring man was afflicted by his own sibling. She took his picture and name and went to see a witch doctor and asked that her brother never prospers and that whatsoever he did should see hi wishing he was dead.

For 18 years, the man suffered and toiled in vain while also still providing for that demonic lady. Whenever she needed to renew her sacrifice, she would cry to him for help and he would give her money thinking he was helping her to get food, instead, she will take that same money to the witch doctor and suppress her brother's destiny.

One day, this young man found himself standing on a table contemplating suicide for the 14th time and then, while looking at the ceiling fan he was about hanging himself on, he saw the cross and everything changed.

The cross may have been that wicked death platform but it indicates that, there is a victory awaiting when we believe that, He died to take away the pain fro our lives even before we were born.

The heart of man is desperately wicked, who can tell.- Jeremiah 17:9.
Man is problem to man and even when man has what it takes to make man better, the wickedness and that heart that is just in the realm of desperate wickedness, make man work at his best to bring others down.

When the Cross flashes through your mind in the time of difficulties and challenges that may ignite the fear of death, just remember that, He died for you while you were yet a sinner.

I am thankful that I found the Grace of God that is sufficient for me.

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