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Daily Devotional: Wisdom Cry For Nigeria

Good day people of God.
Welcome to another day that the Lord has made. We'll rejoice and be glad in it.
Our today's passage is taken from Proverbs 8:1-2 which says;
A country filled with many natural resources. A country with lots of talented people.
Why have your leaders lacked the right wisdom to rule over your people?
Have they loss it all in the sight of the most high God?
Today, the Bible is telling everyone in Nigeria that wisdom cries for all.
She cries because no one wants to get the best of her.
She cries on the top of high places by the way, Where the paths meet, she standeth waiting for both young and old Nigerians to ask her in.
She's calling on everyone today for the betterment of Nigeria. The country now survive based on past glories.
Today, wisdom stands beside the gates, at the entry of the citied, at the coming in at the doors, she crieth aloud, calling on everyone who have ears to listen to her voice.
Oh Nigerians, listen to the voice of God your creator for you have disobeyed Him in many ways.
The voice of wisdom is saying today that you should humble yourself before God, ask for forgiveness and turn from your evil ways. God almighty will hear you all from heaven and heal your land.
God will put an end to every misunderstanding. He will end this bloodshed. He will enrich you'll with what you need most.
God help us all as we listen to the voice of wisdom today in Jesus name, amen.


Oh the living God, your children have sinned against you, please have mercy on us all, give us the capacity to adhere to the voice of wisdom, give us the grace to know you more, thanks for keeping us alive today, blessed be to your mighty name and we pray in Jesus name, amen.