Daily Devotional | Post #002: Don't Be Lazy


Good morning people of God.
Welcome to my daily devotional. This is my Introductory post

Our today's Bible passage is taken from Proverbs 6:6-9
It says

6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; Consider her ways, and be wise:
7 Which having no chief, Overseer, or ruler,
8 Provideth her bread in the summer, And gathereth her food in the harvest.
9 How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Holy Bible | Download this Bible app!

This is a warning to some of us who find everything so cumbersome to do.
They feel reluctant to things that will definitely help their life.
They procrastinate, hoping that someone sent from nowhere would help them.
But I want to remind such person that nothing good comes easy.
You can't reap what you didn't planted during its planting season.
Get up and do what you should do.
The first verse on our today's passage is using the ant.
A common population of ants has no overseer. They do things according what others are doing. They get signals and follow it immediately, not minding if it's wrong or would cost them their lives. But at last, they'll become the victors.
In this life, one must be the type that knows when it's planting and harvest, just like the ant that provides itself with foods and stores it, knowing fully well that there will be a time of dryness.
Are you the type that earn to consume at the same spot?
Are you the type that doesn't see investing or savings as good thing?
Hmmm. Winter is coming.
Learn to live like the ant because no one has seen tomorrow, no matter how tall he or she could be.

Oh Lord my God, help me to live right, help me with better understanding of my environment, help me to do things that matter which I found tedious and wasteful, bless my hustling, my job and others of my daily activities, and as you continue to guide, protect and provide for me, my family, friends and we'll wishes, may your name be glorified forever in Jesus name. Amen.

Have a great day

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