Orion & Sirius: The Dragonfly Constellation

Orion & Sirius with dragonfly overlay

Whenever I see Orion rising in the night sky, I know my favorite binary star, Sirius, is not far behind.

Now, I love Orion, but - I just don’t see it. I don’t see how astronomers of old managed to conjure the hunter from this tie-fighter pattern in the sky…when something far easier to visualize was only moments away. Did they name Orion at 10:00 pm, while Sirius hid just below the horizon? Did they announce the naming before Sirius peeked out, and have too much invested to go back? Or maybe it’s just me. But still, Sirius is known to affect earth with its strong radiations; it is believed to have magical powers or ties to our spiritual energies…and they name it the Dog Star?

I’m not mad, I swear - it’s all good. Honestly, I guess it could be cool to just have my own constellations.

Anyway, I just wanted to share these images of my favorite stars in the sky. Next time, perhaps Big Dipper Little Dipper and Polaris - my second favorite group :)

Orion & Sirius, unedited


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