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WhatsApp Image 2024-04-27 at 10.58.37 PM.jpeg

Hello dear friends of this beautiful community, I want to share with you about a nice, share with my husband's friends, For me it is a privilege to share with friends why is like his space and that he invites me to share with them is something very nice and pleasant I liked, at first when he tells me that he plans to share with his friends and I to that fine, since I had months since about December that I did not see them, and I well okay go and tells me is that I want you and ale go with me.

I, all surprised, asked him, are you sure? don't you want to be alone with them? And he said to me, no, we are going to go to Juan's dad's house, and Juan's dad is the mechanic of our car and his wife is the one who sells a delicious pastry dough and the lady is very nice.


Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, quiero compartir con ustedes sobre un lindo, compartir con los amigos de mi esposo, Para mí es un privilegio compartir con los amigos del porqué es como que su espacio y que él me invite a compartir con ellos es algo muy lindo y agradable me gusto, al principio cuando él me dice que tiene pensado compartir con sus amigos y yo a que fino, ya que tenía meses desde diciembre aproximadamente que no los veía, y yo bueno está bien anda y me dice es que yo quiero que tú y ale vayan conmigo.

Yo, toda sorprendida, le pregunté ¿seguro? ¿No quieres estar solos con ellos? Y me dijo, no va a hacer en casa del papa de juan, y el papa de juan viene siendo el mecánico de nuestro carro y su esposa la que vende una rica masa de pastelitos y la señora es muy agradable.

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I said "sure, okay, as long as you want" my husband smiling told me "if I want you by my side", then we arranged ourselves as a family and we went about 12, we had to pass first looking for one of them who lives near the house and ready we headed via playa el agua which is where the house was where we would meet ☺️ upon arrival my husband's friend was not there, but if his parents, we set out to wait for the other companions to arrive to see what they would do for food.

The men went together the 4 of them to buy the things with the list that the lady of the house had made, since she has experience with these things ha, ha, ha, ha... they went and brought everything as it was without problems thanks to God, and began to prepare the hamburgers, although I offered to help the lady of the house very kindly told me not to worry because her daughter and her niece were helping her.


Le dije "claro, está bien, mientras tú quieras" mi esposo sonriendo me dijo "si yo te quiero a mi lado", entonces nos arreglamos como familia y nos fuimos tipo 12, teníamos que pasar primero buscando a uno de ellos que vive cerca de la casa y listo nos dirigimos vía playa el agua que es donde estaba la casa donde nos reuniríamos ☺️ al llegar el amigo de mi esposo nos estaba, pero si sus papás, nos dispusimos a esperar que llegarán los otros compañeros para ver que realizarían de comida.

Donde se llegó aún acuerdo de hamburguesas, los hombres se fueron juntos los 4 a comprar las cosas con la lista que la señora fe la cada había hecho, ya que ella tiene experiencia con estas cosas ja, ja, ja... ellos fueron y trajeron todo tal cual sin inconvenientes gracias a Dios, y comenzaron a preparar las hamburguesas, a pesar de que me ofrecí para ayudar la señora de la casa muy amable me dijo que tranquila que no me preocupara porque su hija y su sobrina la estaban ayudando.

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To my surprise the meat was going to be grilled, the father of my husband's friend went to get firewood, first time I ate hamburgers like this, and when they were ready we all got ready to thank and eat I ate 1 as well as my son, but my husband and his friends ate 3 each, naguara if they eat too much it is cheaper to dress us than to feed them hahaha ... but it was very good hamburgers, we had a nice time and with good company, I liked this day very much. .. but it was very good hamburgers, we spent a nice time with good company I really liked this day, we finished coming about 8 pm to our house and I was very grateful with the attention and affection that I received my little family.

We hope that soon this day will be repeated, but they were already saying that with grill or sancocho 😁 to go varying in each sharing the food hahaha ... and I love that house, everything is outdoors and we do not suffer from heat or mosquitoes. And how do you guys do with your husbands friends? They also take them to share with them 😅


Para mi sorpresa la carne la iban a realizar en parrilla, el papá del amigo de mi esposo fue a buscar leña, primera vez que comía unas hamburguesas así, y al estar listas todos nos dispusimos a dar las gracias y a comer yo me comí 1 al igual que mi hijo, pero mi esposo y sus amigos si se comieron 3 cada unos, naguara si comen demasiado sale más barato vestirnos que alimentarlos jajajá... pero era que estaba muy buena las hamburguesas, pasamos un rato agradable y con buena compañía me gusto mucho este día, nos terminamos de venir como a las 8 pm para nuestra casa y estuve muy agradecida con la atención y con el cariño que me recibieron a mi pequeña familia.

Esperamos que pronto este día se vuelva a repetir, pero ya estaban diciendo que con parrilla o sancocho 😁 para ir variando en cada compartir la comida jajajá... y amo esa casa, todo es al aire libre y no sufrimos de calor ni de zancudos. Y ¿a ustedes como le va con los amigos de sus esposos? También las llevan a compartir con ellos 😅

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