the meaning of a family

Hello friends, good afternoon, may we always be blessed with health and happiness.

Of course, life has many twists and turns that we will encounter, everyone has problems and good things in their life, but with the increasing twists and turns that we experience it becomes strength to face the hardships of life.

When I was an adult new I understood what it means to be together with family. Since I got married, I have lived in a separate village from my siblings and family, making me miss things from the past.

Maybe there are times when I visit my mother's house, when I see my whole family there, it makes me want to live there.

And the moments with my mother and nephew are very meaningful to me, with jokes and stories of funny things that make me entertained while eliminating my feeling of loneliness, and the i only has time to take photos of my mother And my four nephews.

There are times when life is not what we want, but there are times when we reflect that maybe this is the best for us without realizing it, because life really provides experiences that will It becomes a complete memory with each version of the story .

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