Some friends are precious

Hello there! I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. Today, I would like to take a moment to talk about my experiences with friendship and the impact it has had on my life.

To begin with, I must admit that I am not someone who has had many friends over the years. I have only managed to make four true friends in my entire life.

The first friend I made was during my childhood days when I was in sixth grade. She was more than just a friend, she was my confidante and we had an unbreakable bond. Sadly, our time together was cut short when she had to move to another school. With no cell phones or social media back then, we lost touch with each other. I regret not being able to stay in touch with her, but I will always cherish the memories we shared.

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Moving on to my tenth grade, I met my best friend who has been there for me for over seven years now. We share the same birthday month and have a special connection. However, she lives in a foreign country now, which makes it difficult for us to meet frequently. But we do catch up on the phone and are planning to meet up soon. It will be wonderful to see her after such a long time.

I also have an online friend @aroojkhalid who has been a great influence on me. We met through a cryptocurrency platform and have been friends for over three years now. She is the one who introduced me to the amazing ecency/hive community, which has been a great source of learning and growth for me.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it's perfectly fine to have a small circle of friends who are sincere and true to you, rather than a long list of fake friendships. I am grateful for the friends I have made in my life and I hope to continue building meaningful relationships in the future. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day ahead!

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