Nuestro Viernes Santo de Piscina🥰 || Our Good Friday Swimming Pool🥰 [Esp-Eng]



Hola hola amigos de #Familyandfriends feliz sabado para todos, espero que esten genial, ya casi se acaba la semana de descanso jeje, pero queria mostrarles un poco lo que fue nuestro viernes santo, en esta oportunidad me vine a casa de mis padres desde el dia domingo, pero habiamos estado todo el tiempo encerrados, la verdad sin nada de planes y honestamente con este sol y calor que hace, salirme del cuarto full aire acondicionado esta como complicado jajaja pero bueno, aun así aprovechando que llegó el agua, junto a mi mamá decidimos scar la piscina para ponerla a llenar, esto fué el jueves a las 4pm y se llenó a mas 11pm🙊😣 el agua llegaba poquita, y obvio ya a esa hora no podriamos bañarnos, pero lo importante es que iba a amanecer llena para el viernes, los planes eran bañarnos temprano cuando el sol no estuviese tan fuerte, pero entre una cosa y otra terminamos metiendonos a las 12:30pm justo cuando el horno (sol) estaba en su mejor momento jajaja pero bueno el agua nos refrescó

Hello hello friends of #Familyandfriends happy saturday to all, I hope you are great, the week off is almost over hehe, but I wanted to show you a little of what was our good Friday, this time I came to my parents house from Sunday, but we had been all the time locked up, the truth without any plans and honestly with this sun and heat that makes, leave the room full air conditioning is as complicated hahaha but good, Even so, taking advantage of the water arrived, together with my mom we decided to scar the pool to put it to fill, this was on Thursday at 4pm and was filled at 11pm🙊😣 the water came little, and obviously at that time we could not bathe, but the important thing is that it was going to dawn full for Friday, the plans were to bathe early when the sun was not so strong, but between one thing and another we ended up getting into the pool at 12: 30pm just when the oven (sun) was at its best hahaha but hey the water cooled us off.🥰



Temprano habia ido al supermercado para comprarles una pelota, pero lastimosamente se me adelantaron, ya no quedaban 😖 pero encontre un salvavidas y decidí llevarlo para Emita, porque Chris si es mas grandecito y se que no iba a tragar agua rn la piscina jeje, bueno, al final terminaron usandolo los dos porque por supuesto el estaba celoso, asi que quedé en comprarle uno luego a el

Earlier I had gone to the supermarket to buy them a ball, but unfortunately they were ahead of me, there were no more 😖 but I found a lifeguard and decided to take it to Emita, because Chris is bigger and I know he was not going to swallow water in the pool hehe, well, in the end they ended up using it both because of course he was jealous, so I agreed to buy one for him later.



Los niños gozaron un mundo, bueno yo tambien la verdad jeje ahi estuvimos hasta las 4:30pm y nos salimos bien tostaditos 😂 sobretodo Ema y yo, Chris creo que tiene mas cayo solar😂 como dice el padre jeje

The kids had a blast, well me too hehe we were there until 4:30 pm and we left very toasted 😂 especially Ema and I, Chris I think he has more sunshine😂 as the father says hehehe


La verdad la pasamos super rico, a pesar de qur me bañé casi siempre de rodillas jajaja pero bueno, ver a mis niños felices lo es todo❣️ y sin duda fue mejor esa piscina que nada 🥰 la meta ahora es ir a la playita asi que ojalá que se pueda💞

The truth is that we had a great time, even though I bathed almost always on my knees hahaha but well, seeing my kids happy is todo❣️ and it was certainly better that pool than nothing 🥰 the goal now is to go to the beach so hopefully it can💞



Fotos tomadas con mi Redmi 9
Portada editada en PicsArt

Photos taken with my Redmi 9
Cover edited in PicsArt

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