Visiting the Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of Saint Vincent Ferrer with the fam


Hello, my dearest Hivers! How's your week? I hope you're all doing great. Today, let me just share with you this simple family bond we had. We went to Bogo City to visit Saint Vincent Ferrer Parish. Our family has this devotion where we visit this church to offer our prayers. This has been a family tradition, which serves as our way of thanksgiving. So, we traveled all the way there, of course, together with our super furlove, Mochi.

This baby has barely gone outside the house, so going outside is already a fun day for him. He also loves riding, especially when it's open-air or he's on the window seat. He loves the soothing breeze touching his face. As you can see, he's really just so focused on the side roads. He's always like that every time we travel.

We already arrived at the church. As you've seen, it's all painted white. I adore the color so much because it's so heaven-like, complemented as well by the blue skies. But before that, let me show you first how it looked before.

Photo captured in June 2020
I suddenly feel nostalgic sharing this with you, but yeah, this is what it looked like in 2020. I captured this photo the day before my 18th birthday. We visited during the pandemic era, and I went there with my parents for a thanksgiving. Here are also some additional pics from when we were there. Basically, our visit to this church is an annual tradition.
Our visit in the year 2022

My three cousins were wearing their basketball attire because they had been playing basketball at that time, and as we passed by, they quickly decided to come with us.

Now, here's my baby nephew. I think this is still the first time I went to the church with him. They also visit here, though not always with our whole family, so yeah, I'm sure this is the first time. The last time we visited, he was still in his momma's tummy.

The little girl, my cousin's daughter, loves carrying him, as well as the other babies, even the older ones hahaha. They look cute, which is why I immediately took a photo of them.

After that, I took her to this area so she could have some photos of herself, while the other kids were busy with the phone watching videos.

Also, here's our furbaby walking and running enthusiastically with his cute toes.

Saint Vincent Ferrer's statue
We proceeded to Saint Vincent Ferrer's statue. This is where we often take pictures together. He is the patron saint of this church.

Then, I went inside here with my mother to offer our pamisa, or in English, a thanksgiving Mass. This is specifically to denote a Mass celebrated in thanksgiving for the blessings our family received.

The most important thing for this visit, of course, is to personally offer our prayers. This is the area where we would light up candles and pray.
Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield

I can't forget this is what I've learned from my grade 6 adviser, Ma'am Hardy. This is always the flow of my prayer, but I didn't request anything materialistic, just good health, long life, safety, happiness, peace, and overflowing love within my loved ones. I couldn't ask for more this time, but that's just it. The rest, I offer to God and I'll just figure and work it out myself.

After that, we took photos together, and with our fur love, Mochi. We ate lunch, and then we went back home. (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠)
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