
Betty Raymond took a good look around the house .The sight that greeted her gave her a great thrill.She loved to have the house all cleaned up and inviting before her family returned at the end of each day.On this Sunday , Thomas and the children went shopping immediately after the service, while she decided to hurry home and prepare lunch before they returned. The children loved to shop with herself and her husband,so it was with so much reluctance that they acceded to her request to go home instead.
As Betty took a look at what she had accomplished within the short time she had,she smiled to herself.Sweaty,she decided to have a quick shower before her family returned.Not only did she love to make the house inviting, she also loved to look good for the man of his life.
Going down the memory lane,she recalled how hard it had been for her when she had agreed to Thomas' marriage proposal.Her parents, siblings and even some of her really close friends had vehemently kicked against the idea. They pointed out many reasons
she couldn't tie the nuptial knots with him. But she knew and held on to what she had been told of God.
Several years on now ,after her parents had reluctantly given their consent,Betty couldn't be happier.Her marriage had turned out better than her folks ,or even her for that matter,had thought possible.They had been blessed with three wonderful children that always made her heart bubble with joy unspeakable.What more could a woman ask for? She had the most adorable husband on earth and her children-she couldn't even find a suitable adjective to describe them.
At their family devotion that morning,those wonderful children of hers had spent quality time praying for her and Thomas.After the praise and worship session and Thomas had shared the word with them, Daniel,the older of the twins ,had asked that they be given the opportunity to lead the prayer that morning."Daddy, you and mom had been doing the praying all this time,and you have done nothing but pray for us.So , today,we want to be the ones praying for both of you."Betty had been overwhelmed when her son said that .She could never have imagined that the children had such imagination.
As if conjured up by her thoughts,Thomas walked into their bedroom with all three children on his trail.Betty was so lost in thought, she didn't even hear them come in.Looking up at her eyes lit up with so much warmth."what were you thinking about that you didn't even hear us come in momma?"little Sharon asked trying really hard not to laugh.At that, the four-some burst out laughing and Betty couldn't help but join in the laughter.
"I was just thinking of how blessed and highly favored I am to have all four of you." Betty said amidst the laughter. Getting to her feet,she drew her children into a hug one after the other. And facing her twins,she said,"I have the table set already,you two run along and get some drinks and water.And don't forget the ice cubes too.Mummy is really hungry," "We are too ",was the answer they chorused before running off to do just as mummy had asked, little Sharon running at their heels.
Betty turned to face her husband when they were alone.She walked right into his waiting arms for a hug that they were waiting for them at the dinning table."You have turned my world down-side-up, Betty Raymond. I hate to try to imagine what my life would be without you beside me ".Thomas said ,his voice choking with emotions.Looking up to face him,she placed her index finger across his lips ,"Don't exaggerate Tom! you mean the world to me,and I know for sure that you mean the world to our children too."
Hand in hand,they left the room to join their children at dinning table.As they settled down to eat, Sharon made to bless the food,Betty Smiled to herself as they ate in silence.It was a smile of satisfaction.God had indeed blessed her with best family ever. Every time they spent together was always awesome.
While they treated themselves to the nice meal Betty had painstakingly prepared,she recalled one time they had gone for a family retreat . Thomas had returned from work that day and announced that they were all going to spend the weekend in some resort. The children had been so excited , especially her twins, because they always saw such family retreats as opportunity to talk to some of their mates on vacation about the love of God.As usual ,after the meal, they spent some time on family chitchats."Dad when is our next vacation and where do you have in mind?" Thomas and Betty were not caught off guard by his question.They had already discussed about it because it's the family practice to go on vacations during summer.
Betty and the girls hurriedly cleared up the dishes so they could join the Daniel and Thomas outside for their usual football game.The ladies in the house usually enjoyed watching them play, taking sides with their favourite player ,which was always the girls taking sides with her boy. The game ended , leaving all them sweaty and breathless but overjoyed as always.

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