The house over the window


Family members are friends,friends members as well.
                          My self 


In the social circle I move around and I'd bet that in our whole society, birthdays are like big holy days. I mean, for friends and family that is a day in which there has to be a party, but not any party, it's the kind of celebration that is highly promoted long before the day arrives. The birthday one starts reminding everybody "Hey, next month is my birthday, don't miss it, we are gonna throw the house over the window"
And so...You'll wonder...How the hell are they gonna do that if the windows are parts of the house?
That brings us to a cuban popular concept.

To throw the house over the window.

Well, without going too far, that means the world's gonna end that day, that every resources available are gonna be used in the party, that there's gonna be plenty of everything and that party is gonna turn as crazy and loudly as our bodies can handle.

Journalism process

Having announced the good new of a potential over the window flying=house next month, reporters(friends) start running the voice, always as a good cuban citizen, exaggerating details of the event. The small snow ball starts running down and I guess you can imagine what's gonna be becoming in its way down till the party day comes.




The Day...

As to be spected phone calls and messages from all over the friend=family zone rained during the day before for confirmation of the, according to size of the rolling little snow ball, huge event taking place tomorrow, but mostly,it rained harder in the late night hours, where everyone was trying to raise the trophy for winning the first place at the race of the earliest congratulations given near of or just in midnight breaking spot when you were already trespassing into the next year old ground.
So, you weren't gonna be in bed early, but surely were gonna be early out of it. Please, don't ask me why, but, there's some unnatural force that makes me be up early that day, even if I went to sleep late and tired as a country horse.

Party time!!!

Finnaly up!. Today is the day!. A strange energy flows all over my body, I feel happy, even having problems( as we all have), I feel strong, proud, thrilled..., feel like's party time baby!!!, shake it, shake it sings my mind.
People start getting there,everybody brings something, any present, any drink, any anything. For those of you who may not know, parties herehave some essentials elements that normally are present, there has to be music, to dance above all, drinks(* a lot*), dominoes, something to bite( understand this term as some cheese, ham, pork cracklings, fried fish, fried portions of chicken, fried banana, malang, sweet potatoe and stuff like that) and of course a birthday cake for the congrats singing and blow out the candles. That's it, the time the party begins is known, now, you never know when's gonna end, till there's a man standing I guess, hahaha.
Something is real, that time surrounded by your big whole family composed by the members I mentioned at the beginning of the post is priceless, don't you think?


Yes, there will be hangover tomorrow, but...who cares anyway?...hehehe.
I'm sure you all have a nice and different way to spend your birthday day. What do you think about mine?
Read you below in comments if you feel like engaging. We'll be seeing next time.

Images in the post without source link are my own.

Although english's not my home   
 language, I can handle it well   enough to write it by my self.


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